Day 2490: More self-care bingo

Today is the wedding anniversary of my late, great parents, so I definitely need more self-care bingo.

Luckily, in a Coping and Healing group yesterday we added more squares to our self-care bingo cards.


My new squares are

  1. created something new,
  2. laughed with somebody,
  3. expressed my feelings,
  4. took a walk,
  5. ate something delicious,
  6. spent time with an animal,
  7. danced,
  8. listened to music I love,
  9. improved the moment,
  10. observed just noticed,
  11. acknowledged progress,
  12. looked at something beautiful,
  13. gave somebody a hug,
  14. accessed a good memory,
  15. was playful,
  16. returned an email,
  17. made a helpful call,
  18. set a limit,
  19. smiled at a stranger, and
  20. expressed gratitude.


Here’s #14 (accessed a good memory):


Adding more photos to today’s post qualifies as #1 (created something new).  Are any of these photos examples of self-care bingo?








Part of my self care has been watching this video of the Washington Nationals (up 2-1 in the World Series) spreading “Baby Shark” fever.

Here’s #20 (expressed gratitude):



Categories: anniversary, group therapy, in memoriam, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , | 27 Comments

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27 thoughts on “Day 2490: More self-care bingo

  1. I REALLY liked this post! I love the 20 bingo points. They are 20 points everyone can and should do every day. Thank you for a feel good start to the day!

  2. Always give yourself a free space!

  3. I’m going to add “Read something that makes you happy” to my self-care bingo and after reading your blog, hey, that’s a bingo!

  4. Now that’s great Bingo Ann. Love it ❣️

  5. Your parents both look so much like you and I know from your many stories about them how much they loved you. My self care Bingo square for the world, would be for everybody to have a memory of their parents as loving as that.

  6. Lovely Bingo Ann and something all of us can make joy of 😀
    The dogs and the cakes you be a part of self care…

  7. puella33

    I like the photo of your parents, Ann. I’m going to use that as a post for self-care because our parents , to an extend instil moral values, teach us about traditions and culture. It is they who initially give us a fundamental basis of our roots. Have a nice day, Ann

  8. Now I’m stuck with baby shark for the next 3 hours…………………at least!

  9. The photo of your parents is lovely, Ann. Speaking of photos, I took one of the self-care bingo chart from your previous post. I pull it up as a reminder every day now. And we folks in the DC area thank you for the baby shark video. Go Nats!

  10. Self care of any sort is a struggle for me

  11. Pingback: Day 2527: Looking forward | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

  12. More bingo for us all thanks to you, Ann.

  13. I love the self-care bingo game! It’s genius. And the photo of your parents is wonderful. I sure do see your resemblance to them. 🙂

  14. Pingback: Day 2531: Have a little faith | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

  15. Pingback: Day 2577: Cares | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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