Posts Tagged With: Sondheim

Day 2955: Groundhog Day 2021

Well, faithful blog readers, today is my 68th birthday and the best gift for me is that we’re all still here.

I am celebrating this incredible feat of mutual survival, here and now, by sharing my latest images.

The Daily Bitch Calendar does it again, because later today Michael and I (and maybe Mr. Harley) will be dancing.

I just searched “Happy birthday Groundhog Day” and found this from a few years back in Punxsutawney:

Thanks to all who help me celebrate this day and every day, including YOU.

Categories: celebrating, life during the pandemic, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 44 Comments

Day 2830: Debatable

It’s debatable whether you can debate someone who

  • doesn’t follow previously agreed upon rules,
  • interrupts incessantly,
  • has no scruples,
  • lies constantly,
  • attacks,
  • is a malignant narcissist,
  • enjoys hurting people, and
  • will do anything to win.

It’s debatable whether I and the USA could possible survive another four years of the guy who “debated” Joe Biden last night.

It’s debatable whether there’s anything debatable about the images I captured yesterday.

Michael’s meals are never debatable.

It’s debatable

  • how many animals are in those photos and
  • whether anybody will find the octopus.

If you vote for the person who debated Joe Biden last night, it’s debatable whether you’ve been paying attention to what he’s actually been saying and doing to this country.

It’s debatable how you might fill in the blank:

Jill or the beanstalk?

It’s debatable whether it’s a smooth segue from that to Jack from Sondheim’s Into the Woods singing this

… to Sondheim’s There Won’t Be Trumpets:

In case those lyrics are debatable, here they are:

Those smug little men with their smug little schemes
They forgot one thing:
The play isn’t over by a long shot yet!
There are heroes in the world,
Princes and heroes in the world,
And one of them will save us.
Wait and see!
Wait and see!

There won’t be trumpets or bolts of fire
To say he’s coming.
No Roman candles, no angels’ choir,
No sound of distant drumming.
He may not be the cavalier,
Tall and graceful, fair and strong.
Doesn’t matter, just as long as he comes along!

But not with trumpets or lightning flashing
Or shining armor.
He may be daring, he may be dashing,
Or maybe he’s a farmer.
We can wait, what’s another day?
He has lots of hills to climb.
And a hero
Doesn’t come till the nick of time!

Don’t look for trumpets or whistles tooting
To guarantee him!
There won’t be trumpets, but sure as shooting
You’ll know him when you see him!
Don’t know when, don’t know where,
And I can’t even say that I care!
All I know is, the minute you turn
And he’s suddenly there,
There won’t be trumpets!
There are no trumpets!
Who needs trumpets?

It’s debatable whether I’ll be able to get a good night’s sleep until enough of those smug little men with their smug little schemes are defeated. There won’t be trumpets but there’ll be celebrating in many houses, including this one, when that finally happens.

If you want to debate anything in this debatable post, please leave a comment below.

My gratitude is not debatable, so thanks to everyone, including YOU.

Categories: 2020 U.S. Election, life during the pandemic, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments

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