Posts Tagged With: March for Our Lives

Day 1910: What’s left unsaid?

Often, near the end of an important encounter (like a therapy group), I’ll ask people, “What’s left unsaid?”

Yesterday, near the end of a visit with a dear friend and fellow group therapist who has a terminal illness,  I asked, “What’s left unsaid?”  She and her husband said, “Well, you could come back, you know.”    I was so glad that was said that I immediately said, “When can I come back?”  and we scheduled another visit in April.

What’s left unsaid, for you, with other people?   I’ve said this before:  “Say what’s left unsaid, because you don’t know if you’ll get another chance to say it.”

Many things were said at the March for Our Lives yesterday that are no longer left unsaid.

Which of my photos are left unshared?





What’s left unsaid for you, here and now?

For me, what’s left unsaid is always this:  my thanks to all.


Categories: group therapy, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 22 Comments

Day 1901: March Madness

While “March Madness” usually refers to the U.S. National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Men’s Basketball Tournament, I’m going to write about different kinds of March Madness.

Yesterday, I spoke with people about how many losses and deaths we had experienced in the month of March. It seemed like madness when we listed the beloved relatives and friends who had passed away during this one month.

Is it madness that I had this conversation with my dear friend, Megan?

Me:  My father died in March,  but I can’t believe how many people you’ve lost in March.

Megan: It’s crazy!

Me:  It’s traumatizing! I’ll tell you what. In the future, if it looks like I’m going to die in the month of March, I’ll make sure they keep me on life support until I make it to April.

Megan (laughing):  Thank you!

Me: Then maybe I’ll die on April 1st.  I think that’s a good day to die.

Is it madness to talk about our own deaths and to laugh about loss? For me, it helps dispel the madness.

How are you dealing with this year’s madnesses in March?  Personally, I’m glad U.S. students and their families are marching for their lives in March. It’s madness that there’s so much gun violence in the United States.

Was it madness for me to take any of these March photos?








Here‘s the March madness of Metallica playing “Hero of the Day” with the San Francisco Symphonic Orchestra:

Thanks to all the heroes of the day who helped me create this March Madness blog post and — of course! — to YOU.


Categories: friendship, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

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