Day 1899: I don’t want to deal with _____.

I don’t want to deal with

And yet, I’ve learned to deal with this:  Whatever it is I don’t want to deal with, life will deal me those cards.  I guess that gives me the opportunity to practice and improve my ability to deal.

What don’t YOU want to deal with, here and now?   Three photos from our third Nor’easter in 10 days?




What helps you deal with things you don’t want to deal with?  For me it’s

  • hearing other people’s opinions,
  • taking a breath,
  • self care,
  • patience,
  • accepting all my feelings,
  • trying a new perspective, and
  • focusing on the things I do want to deal with.

Here’s Erin, who shows how to deal with a cold and people who don’t like her.

Here‘s  the original song “I Don’t Want to Deal with That Right Now.”

Here‘s a tribute to Stephen Hawking (who died on Pi day and Albert Einstein’s birthday).

Right now I do want to deal with your comments.

Please do your best to deal with my gratitude for all who helped me deal with creating another daily blog post and — of course! — YOU.


Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments

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21 thoughts on “Day 1899: I don’t want to deal with _____.

  1. Smwddio

    Sleep! When all else fails sleep help me deals with a lot!

  2. You deal well, my friend Ann, and help me deal with many things, too. Thank you.

  3. I feel sad about Stephen Hawking, but can’t help but think that he’s exploring the next chapter now and I bet he’s fascinated.

  4. The flood in the cellar of my French house

  5. The comedy writer Simon Rich has a very funny interview with Stephen Hawking in which the physicist expresses surprise that A Brief History Of Time has done so well since it’s “I Love Lucy” fan fiction. The reporter is puzzled by this and Hawking says that only the first few chapters are about astrophysics; in “the middle of chapter four the narrative spirals off into I Love Lucy fan fiction”. Hawking then becomes agitated and says, “You bought my book because you wanted to look smart but you never even read past page fifty! I’m right, aren’t I?”
    I shared that with another friend and said I wished I’d written something that funny. He replied, “You have, and you will write more.” Having friends with that kind of confidence in me helps me deal with things.

  6. There are many things we don’t want to deal with but have to because that is life

  7. Jennifer

    I love your blog Ann.

  8. And I don’t blame you one bit!

  9. Much of today I was thinking about Stephen Hawking’s life and all he faced! I think if I hold onto some of what I thought about today perhaps I’ll be a little more patient with the issues that crop of every day. I have long lists of things I don’t like to deal with. LOL!

  10. I don’t want to deal with the fact that Harley is not around.

  11. Pingback: Day 1901: March Madness | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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