Day 2579: Proud to be

Proud to be






  • someone who follows my dreams,


  • a  healthcare worker,





  • a functioning adult,


  • somebody who notices requests and rules,





  • somebody who gives respect and gets it,


  • quiet, and thankful every day.



What are you proud to be?


Categories: group therapy, health care, heart condition, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 32 Comments

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32 thoughts on “Day 2579: Proud to be

  1. That Daily Bitch one is hilarious haha

  2. the snail crossed the road, sometimes to do, is doing nothing. There are so many guru’s telling us every week, some new fad, but in the fast paced world of now, racing down the street, the next appointment, the rush, organised, fine, so long as your focused on what is life giving. Slowing down should be the new decision making. amen

  3. … in your world, Ann.

  4. Proud to be your online friend and an advocate for children

  5. ….sharing in your sharing.

  6. You should feel proud. Giving others room to speak their truths then encouraging them to work with and through them — I am proud of you too.

  7. … be living my life.

  8. I’m proud of knowing your blog and of the cat named Harley, who is the reincarnation of Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin KBE himself.

  9. At the moment I’m just proud to be here because if a person is judged by the company they keep I think I’m being judged very well.

  10. puella33

    I’m proud to say everyday, ” I’m going to read Ann’s blog “

  11. I’m proud to be important to my family. In many ways that’s enough for me. 🙂

  12. I am proud to be the mother of three awesome daughters

  13. Proud to be a good patient. Healing and dealing. Medical professionals deal with lots of stress and fatigue in their normal day, and I work to be the best patient possible. No whining about trivial things! And most things are trivial.

    Eleven years after I spent a month in University Hospital-Denver, I was there again. One of the doctors had been an intern the first time I was there. He told me someone had noted in my medical record (a huge book!) in 2004 “a nice guy”. I feel good about that.

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