Posts Tagged With: Equal Justice Initiative

Day 2944: The Love

I love seeing the love our new leaders have for each other, for my country, and for the world.

Do you see the love in my images today?


Here’s “The Love” — a Joe Biden for President 2020 video from Jennifer Hudson and Black Eyed Peas.

I look forward to the love in the comments section, below.

Thanks to all who spread the love, including YOU.

Categories: 2020 U.S. Presidential election, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 17 Comments

Day 2730: Staring at the Sun

Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of Death is a book I’ve stared at many times.


Yesterday, when I was staring at my son in the midday sun …


… I got the very sad, unexpected, and darkening news that my long-time friend Eleanor had passed away.

Eleanor, who was described in an online memorial as “sunshine, determination, kindness, humor, a keen mind and a really great friend” brought the sun into my life for over 45 years.  Here’s a portion of her obituary:

Eleanor was a caring and giving person, made up of pure love and light, and left nothing but warmth and care with everyone who knew her. She had a contagious smile and strong will. She was the sun on a dark day, the cool breeze on a hot day. The twinkle in her eyes could warm the darkest, most inner part of anyone’s soul. We now have another angel on our side to help us fight for peace, which is what she always wanted. May her spirit continue to guide us through this life, and always remind us to live and lead with our heart. There will be a private ceremony. To make donations in Eleanor’s honor please consider Project Bread,, the Kestrel Land Trust, or the Equal Justice Institute

Eleanor last commented on this blog on Mother’s Day:

And this mother thanks you for all your posts over the years – what I look forward to each day to amuse me, inspire me, make me ponder, and just enjoy.
Peace and love to you

Eleanor was a caring and loving friend who gave me advice, cards, tickets to wonderful events,  rides to appointments when I was dealing with health issues,  and — during rain and shine —  her fabulous company (described here, here, herehere, here, here, here, here, and here,). We talked about cats, haircuts, food, work, politics, children, husbands, other people, social justice, the present, the past, the future, love, and everything else under the sun.

Whenever I asked her if I could put her picture in my blog, she’d say, “Some day.  Not yet.” I can picture the sunshine of her kind, curious, and loving face, right now.

Eleanor gave me these avocado socks …

… and I believe that the last time I saw her we had avocado toast, dining under the sun at a cafe near the shore.  There was such synchronicity and connection between us, we often finished each other’s sentences.

I took many photos yesterday, staring at the sun and the new reality that my long-time friend Eleanor had passed on.










That last photo of a couple staring at the sun makes me think about Eleanor’s husband, Ira, who sent me the email yesterday about her passing.  May her memory be a comfort to him, her two children, and all who loved her.

As always, I’m staring at gratitude for all I have, here and now.


Categories: in memoriam, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 38 Comments

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