Day 1138: Cards

Somebody at work, yesterday, talked about the agony of waiting to hear whether she’ll get a green card from the USA government, allowing her to remain here with her husband.

At my try-out for “The Voice” in Philadelphia next weekend, I’m hoping to receive a red card, which will get me into the call-back auditions.

My friend Eleanor sent me this card for my birthday:


Card-carrying meteorologists around here are predicting bitter cold for the next few days.

Here are some new photos I could store on a memory card:






The word “card” also means (according to those cards at Merriam-Webster):

a usually clownishly amusing person : wag <he’s such a card>

Some card created this video called Sad Cat Diary:

Any thoughts or feelings about any of these cards?

I’d like to send each one of you a thank you card for reading my blog today.

Categories: definition, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , | 35 Comments

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35 thoughts on “Day 1138: Cards

  1. I like them all and my card to you today is Have a great weekend Ann!

  2. I received your ‘thank you’ card. And you are most welcome. 🙂

  3. Eleanor

    Hello Ann.
    I hope you have a winning audition for The Voice and of course a winning day.

  4. Nothing in the cards for me today. Best of luck to you in your tryout. And I so hope the woman waiting on her green card gets hers, and soon. Her whole life is just hanging. What a rough time!

  5. I think I have too many cards as it is. I have a card from my favorite coffee shop, my favorite burrito place, a sandwich shop, a gas station, my chest port, and a variety of ID cards, one of which does double duty as a bus pass, and which I mistakenly tried to use to pay for sushi last night before handing over one of my credit cards.
    The irony of course is that I’m occasionally accused of not playing with a full deck.

  6. It’s my dad’s birthday today so he got plenty 🙂

  7. Thanks for all these cards Ann, Happy belated birthday!

  8. No Ann, thank YOU for your wonderful blog!

  9. My heart goes out to those sad cats. The diarist sounds convincingly like a Bronte heroine, don’t you think?

    I hope your card is the colour you want it to be.

    Did you notice that the “her needs” “my needs’ illustration look like little baskets. I would put some chocolates and cinnamon hearts in.

  10. I love the kitty video!!!! Here’s to you getting a red card. Fingers crossed, but you don’t really need that because I am sure that you are going to do great!!!!!!!

  11. Carol Ferenc

    My wallet was overflowing with cards ~ credit, reward, library, membership, etc., etc. I had to get an extra card case to hold them all. Wishing you a belated happy birthday, Ann, and the RED card you’re hoping for!

  12. Love the cat video. Happy card day, and best of luck on The Voice!

  13. I just love the sad cat diary! Oh my, it made me think of Scott’s journals, which weren’t of course, funny, but the whole tone was of some documentary on explorers … very funny. I also like the carousel card, especially the fact you could move its parts.

    • Card that I am, I take and post photos that are sometimes deceiving. That carousel “card” is actually a clock! Thanks for taking the time to create this great comment.

  14. The human’s cards are too complex. I like the cat ones 🙂

  15. Maureen

    It is COLD there!

  16. Be my Valentine

  17. Pingback: Day 2767: Staring at the Sun | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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