Posts Tagged With: “When Bad Things Happen To Good People”

Day 3764: Good people

Here and now, I have many good people in my life, which is very good.

My parents were good people and today, on my late mother’s birthday, I’d like to post a picture of her with my son Aaron, who is also good people.


Do you see good people in my other images for today?


As you can see, there are a lot of good people on Twitter, despite its dumb fuckwad reputation (and owner).

Let’s see if I can find any good people on YouTube.


Thanks to all the good people in my life, including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 19 Comments

Day 3680: Lessons learned

When I write notes for my Coping and Healing groups, the list of topics discussed often includes “lessons learned.”

Last night, I asked a question about lessons learned on Twitter.


Do you see lessons learned in my other images for today?


Here’s what I find on YouTube when I search for “lessons learned.”


I’m so grateful for all my lessons learned from others, including YOU!

Categories: group therapy, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Day 3453: I should have known better

I didn’t think that hard-won rights for women in the United States would be taken away, but I should have known better.

I didn’t think that greedy and dishonest men would take control of major parts of our government, but I should have known better.

I didn’t think I would ever be writing this post when I started blogging in 2013, but I should have known better.

I didn’t think the Daily Bitch would give me the title for today’s post, but I should have known better.

I’ve encouraged people in my Coping and Healing groups, who want to feel better, to keep a journal of “what helps” and “what doesn’t help.” In my Coping and Healing journal, #1 on my list of “what doesn’t help” is “telling myself I should have known better.” I should tell you that I created that journal before 2016, the year that a toxic narcissist became one of the most powerful people in the world. I didn’t think that was possible and I should have known better. I should have known better, also, what chaos and destruction would ensue.

I should have known better that on days that I’m feeling despair that I would have very few images to share.

I should have known better that my wonderful son’s father, Leon, would have his own day. Also, I should have known better that Summersgiving doesn’t mean giving to a vitally important organization, but I feel better on this day starting a recurring contribution to Planned Parenthood. If you want to join me, click here.

I should have known better when I wrote this song about the Supreme Court back in 2018 how many times I would have the occasion to share it.

My son Aaron thinks that’s the best song I’ve written, which I didn’t know but maybe he knows better.

I should have known better that sharing my thoughts and feelings with you would help me feel a little better (as it always does), so many thanks for being here, now.

Categories: life in the USA, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 18 Comments

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