Posts Tagged With: National She’s Funny That Way Day

Day 3742: Control

When I write notes for my Coping and Healing groups, the list of discussed topics usually includes “what we can and cannot control.”

I often say, in group and elsewhere, that we cannot control other people’s behaviors but we can control how we react to them.

Last night, I couldn’t control how people in the 5:30 group responded to the breaking news of Trump being indicted, but I could control my response (which was to name their happy giddiness and then reinforce the structure of the group).

Do you see control in my images for today?

It seems that the Daily Bitch, who is funny that way, has trouble controlling her bladder.

During the almost-two-year process of repairing the severe water damage in our upstairs bathroom, there were so many things I couldn’t control, but I could control my reactions plus the tile choices for the remodel. Here’s the video the shower door installer created yesterday of the now-finished project:

You can’t control what I blog about, but you can control how you respond (perhaps with a comment, below).

I can control how I end these blog posts, which is always with gratitude for YOU.

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

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