Day 4159: What I’m learning

What I’m learning these days is mostly related to preparing for my concert/live album taping.

What I’m learning, again, is that there is ALWAYS more to learn.

Can you see what I’m learning in my images for today?

I’m learning that lawyers don’t mind implying that they’re sharks.
I’m learning that people you love keep turning up in your life. We missed seeing Deanna at our favorite restaurant and here I’m learning she now works near us and will be at my concert!
I’m learning my dear friend Carol plays guitar and harmonizes like an angel, and we’re both learning how to duet on “Don’t Kill Yourself.”
I’m learning here that Carol has bongo drums and I didn’t need to order some but, oh well.
I’m learning that today is Buy a Musical Instrument Day, so maybe it’s good that I bought bongos for my show.
I’m learning, again, that my husband Michael is a fabulous cook.
I’m learning that the Daily Bitch and I have a lot in common.


Here’s what I find when I search for “what I’m learning.”


I’m learning that there are many good songwriters out there and there’s room for one more!

Thanks to all who help with what I’m learning, including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

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10 thoughts on “Day 4159: What I’m learning

  1. I learned that I was very lucky to have only a few short blips of power loss during the storm last night (which I otherwise enjoyed immensely) because my son is working from home due to power loss in the schools and trees down in the streets. I also learned that the cicadas have come to Lake Geneva, WI, a little southeast of here, so there is still hope that I might experience them too, but hope has messed with me before.

  2. I love Michael’s culinary gift as well!


  3. Yesterday I talked to someone in a coffee shop who was busy writing something he said was “totally not a ripoff of Moby Dick, but then isn’t everything?” I regret not asking his name or when his work might be available but he said he goes to write there almost every day so I may see him again. It’s just great to know that so many people, including you, are creating new things all the time.

  4. puella33

    The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know. I’m learning that at the end of the day, no matter what race, faith, or beliefs, we all have the same yearnings. I’m happy for you, Ann. I wish you well with your concert

  5. I learned in science with my pre-k kinder, that fish make nests, who knew? but it makes perfect sense.

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