Day 2888: What counts

Yesterday, USA Thanksgiving 2020, I spent part of the day counting and recounting the numbers in my blog posts. As you probably know, I’ve been counting the days in my post titles for many years. Even though I am careful to count accurately (because accuracy and truth count), none of us can count on perfection.

As I was counting past blogging days, I found I had lost count on a day when I was focusing on the loss of my friend, Eleanor, who counted very much to me and on whom I could always count. Once I found that error in the count, I did a recount and now, I think, the count is accurate. However, I wouldn’t completely count on it.

Besides fixing the blogging count, I spent much of Thanksgiving day telling people who count (including YOU) how thankful I am for them.

What counts in my photos from yesterday ?

When I was recounting my posts, I found some words that counted a lot, including that Turkish proverb on Turkey Day. I know I am not alone in counting the days until the Axe is no longer President of the USA.

For those of you who count on puns, now it’s time for me to axe for comments, below.

Here‘s “Count’s Place” with Count Basie and The Kansas City 7.

I count on you every day and thanks for helping me make every day count!

Categories: 2020 U.S. Presidential election, blogging, gratitude, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , | 17 Comments

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17 thoughts on “Day 2888: What counts

  1. I can always count on a post from you that counts towards the sensible side of life!

  2. All of your pictures make me smile but the one of an inflated turkey really made me smile because I could see a Boxer standing in the driveway next to it, looking at you rather curiously. That really made me smile.

  3. what counts is that you show up each and every day, and deliver a message that inspires me to think )

  4. That Turkish proverb definitely counts

  5. Love that Turkish proverb! It definitely counts…

  6. Your day-after shots restore my smiles, Ann.

  7. Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

  8. What counts is that Harley is by your side as your guru.

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