Posts Tagged With: Snoopy

Day 1804: I can’t look

“I can’t look” is what I say to myself, every day, about the news.

I can look at other things, though, so we can look at my latest photos.






I can’t look at that favorite necklace without regrets that a part of it fell off  this week when I wasn’t looking.

I can’t look outside because today is this season’s first snow day in Boston.

I can look at YouTube and find fun things like Tim Conway and Harvey Korman‘s Emmy Moments:

I can’t look at them without smiling.

I can’t look for comments on this post, because I haven’t published it yet. I’ll look for those later.

I can look for ways to express thanks to all who helped me create today’s blog and also to you, because you could look and did!


Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 19 Comments

Day 1571: On this day

On this day, I am repeating something from yesterday’s post.


On this day, I am sharing flowers I saw yesterday.



On this day, I am grateful for spring and all that it brings.

On this day, I am driving to a seaside city to find out about a home I might put a bid on. I wonder if I will be successful in that venture.

On this day, I will be facilitating two therapy groups at work.

On this day, I wonder about the meaning of success.


On this day, I will have some Yogi Tea.

On this day, I will share some music here.


On this day, I express gratitude to all who help me create this daily blog and — of course! — to you.

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 27 Comments

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