Day 3111: What’s the most healing, therapeutic thing anyone has ever said to you?

Yesterday, when I was on a healing, therapeutic walk before seeing patients remotely, I thought of asking people about the most healing, therapeutic thing anyone had ever said to them.

Here’s the healing, therapeutic result, on Twitter:


How would you answer that question? What’s the most healing, therapeutic thing anyone has ever said to you?

Do you see healing, therapeutic things in my other images for today?

Here’s what I find when I search YouTube for healing, therapeutic things people have said:

Expressing and receiving gratitude is therapeutic, so thanks to all healing people out there, including YOU.

Categories: group therapy, inspiration, life during the pandemic, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , | 32 Comments

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32 thoughts on “Day 3111: What’s the most healing, therapeutic thing anyone has ever said to you?

  1. it’s okay.

  2. You’ve got the job, the day after my graduation from U of Maryland journalism school, Ann.

  3. Luis Del Castillo

    It was almost three years ago: “looks like we have lungs for you”

  4. Thank you for being my husband.

  5. “Sometimes you are boring” – he remains my longest lasting friend 🙂

  6. I love this question, Ann. I’m so sorry about Oscar.

  7. My first therapist told me that if there’s a story I find myself telling repeatedly, there’s still something I need from (telling) that story.

  8. I can’t remember! I’m not sure that I could sort healing and helpful comments or memories into “best” or “not best.” All of the kind ones seem like the best to me.

  9. puella33

    I can’t think of anything right now, isn’t that terrible?

  10. “You’re smarter than you realize” may be the most therapeutic thing anyone’s ever said to me. It gave me confidence.

  11. One day, out of the blue, my mother said, “The thing your father and I love about you is your quirky sense of humor.” Since my father had difficulty showing or saying things like that, it made my day to know that. (My mother and I shared a quirky sense of humor, so…! LOL!)

  12. No one was asked to be born, yet one is here with name and identity, ready to be called on when society thinks it fit. Free the human spirit, animals can teach us, as nature was here first before homo sapiens came. Free the human spirit.

  13. You are loving and loveable, just the way you are…l

  14. I couldn’t immediately think of a particular statement, but I can say that what I respond to is a consistent caring. If someone asks about me and I’m honest with a need, no words are that helpful if there isn’t a little follow-through in interest down the line. I typically know which friends I can count on. 🙂

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