Day 1573: One of those days

This is one of those days that I blog, as I’ve been doing since January 1, 2013.

Yesterday was one of those days that inspired this Facebook post:

Ever have one of those days? I’m having three of them today.

Because yesterday is past, I don’t want to dwell on one of those days. Instead, I’m looking forward to one of those days when I will

  • connect with others,
  • be myself,
  • show up,
  • be gentle,
  • tell the truth, and
  • take pictures.











Happiness IS an accomplishment, when you’re having one of those days.

This is one of those days I share different versions of the same song with you (here, here, and here):

I wonder if this will be one of those days I get lots of comments.

This is definitely one of those days I thank all who helped me create today’s post and — of course! — YOU.

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

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13 thoughts on “Day 1573: One of those days

  1. Blue Cats Trippin? A catnip nip? Here’s hoping that today is not one of those “one of those days” days.

  2. My dear wife Karen are planning for this to be one of these days, not one of those days, Ann. A spring football game at Syracuse University in the morning followed by a Rose Fair at the library have us excited.

  3. Maybe we should get some of those “I’m nervous” signs for ourselves. Missed you while I was away.

  4. Liked the Blue Cat’s Trippin” cat nip!

  5. On the bright side if you had three of one of those days all at once that should be two fewer you’ll have to deal with, if there’s any justice in the universe.
    Now that you’ve brightened up my day with a fun song I hope I can return the favor.

    • One of those days, ten years ago, I saw Weird Al in concert with my son. It was one of those days I’ll always remember. Thanks for brightening up this day and many others, Chris.

  6. All days can be good days all days can be those days as long as we wake up each day the day is good

  7. Pingback: Day 2307: Another one of those days | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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