Posts Tagged With: creating safety in groups

Day 1095: Safe Place

What makes a place safe, for you?

That was a topic of discussion in a therapy group, yesterday.


There were lots of ideas shared, in that group, about what makes a place safe enough. Here are some of them:


Even though it’s not perfect, my workplace is definitely safe enough for me these days:

Even when it snows, I feel safe enough in Boston.

Despite my many scary experiences in hospitals when I was a child, I feel safe enough in different hospitals, too.







I hope that last image (from Tufts Medical Center, where I get my medical care) is making this place safe enough for a  New Year’s Eve sing-along.

After three full years of blogging, WordPress is definitely a safe place for me. Thanks to all of you for making it so!

Categories: group therapy, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , | 50 Comments

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