Day 4162: Courage

I’m working on my songs and the courage to perform them tomorrow in front of a live audience.

Yesterday, I walked around my neighborhood with my ukulele, my set list, and my music, stopping to practice each song in the fresh air. Because I had never done anything like that before, I guess that took courage.

Do you see courage in my images for today?


When I search for courage on YouTube, I find this:


Thanks to Susan David, my friends on Twitter, the Daily Bitch, and all those who give me courage, including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “Day 4162: Courage

  1. I love that you walked around your neighborhood performing your music and songs! Way to go!!

  2. I agree with Carol anne. Me butting into a fist fight wasn’t so much courage as bravado with a slice of I can’t just stand by and watch that. But walking around your neighborhood and singing your songs when nobody has demanded that you do so is really putting yourself out there. Almost more so than the concert. The concert is planned and you have challenged your courage by making it almost impossible to back out. To just open your mouth and sing out loud on a neighborhood street – as someone was heard to say in La Boheme, “Coraggio!”

  3. After performing in the streets of Edinburgh… you got this Ann❣️ Be yourself and have fun 🥳🙏🏻💐

  4. Walking around playing your songs reminded me that Norah Jones said the way she learned to play piano and sing at the same time was taking a job as a lounge performer. Sometimes just deciding to do something is all it takes to find the courage.

  5. Now you are a minstrel! Your blog can be renamed, “The Years of Singing Non-Judgmentally.” 🙂

  6. add strolling minstrel to your list

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