Day 4163: Life moves fast

Life moves fast and BLAM! and here we are. Today, at age 71, I am doing the first concert /live album taping of my original songs at the Lilypad in Cambridge. When I first decided to do this way back in October, I thought this day would be soooooo slooooow getting here, but life moves fast!

Life moves fast in my images for today.


Maybe on Neighbor Day, I’ll see some neighbors at the Lilypad!

Here‘s what I find on YouTube when I search for “life moves fast.”


Thanks to all who move through this fast life with me, including YOU!!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 19 Comments

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19 thoughts on “Day 4163: Life moves fast

  1. enjoy every minute and one day soon, you’ll look back and see how great this project was

  2. Very excited for you, Ann. 💜

  3. Congratulations, and good luck!

    Life certainly does move fast – I’ve been planning to publish my new book in June, and now June is nearly here and I’m nowhere near ready!

  4. Getting over my initial association of geek with chicken heads (probably due to Ozzie Osbourne), I looked it up in the Wiki, and now proudly own the term. Geek – Wikipedia So, as with others above, history geek, puzzle geek, vampire novel geek, birdwatcher geek, almost anything one can do alone geek. And according to the Wiki, we are the future! Which I choose to believe. 🙂 ps: I am not a nerd, because if challenged to defuse a bomb, I will snip the wrong wire and blow us all up.

  5. Debbie Terman

    I hope the concert was a roaring success!

  6. It seems like “geek” and “nerd” get used interchangeably but for a while I tried to make the distinction that “geeks” are more artistically inclined while nerds are more into computers. But I think there are too many false and unnecessary dichotomies in the world without adding more. Whether someone chooses to call themselves a geek or a nerd or anything else they pick the label that’s best for them.
    And I’m sure you’ll have many fans geeking out over your performance.

  7. puella33

    Congratulations , Ann

  8. puella33

    Congratulations , Ann

  9. Life moves fast but you find time for your blogging posts 🙂

  10. Yes, have a good time. And beautiful images posted today–thanks for that.

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