Day 991: Don’t fret

I don’t fret about this: I’ve written lots of blog posts about worry (here, here, here, and here) but not one post with the word “fret” in the title.

Why the fret, today?

As an individual and group therapist, I witness many people fretting about  fretful things. Yesterday was no different.

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It’s difficult not to fret, sometimes.

I, myself, was fretting yesterday about planning my 45th high school reunion, which involves many fretful details. Around midnight last night, I awoke from a fretful sleep to find a reassuring email from one of the other reunion planners, which said (among other things):

Don’t fret.

I’m going to take that advice.  Are there other fretting people out there who care to join me in obeying my high school classmate’s advice, at least for today?

I pledge not to fret, today, about:

  • my high school reunion,
  •  people,
  • the state of the world,
  • the weather,
  • the past, or
  • the future.

Don’t fret if you can’t join me in this No Fret Day. But wouldn’t it be great if you could?

Because I have just declared today a No Fret Day, I won’t fret about including a song that

  • wakes me up in the morning,
  • has appeared in previous posts, and
  • doesn’t have the word “fret” in it:

That’s Los Lobos singing “Don’t Worry Baby” at the Crossroads Guitar Festival which, I’m sure, included lots of frets.

Should we fret about any of these  photos, presented fretlessly in chronological order?

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If those cats appear fretful, it’s probably because my fretless boyfriend Michael has been away all week. Don’t fret, Oscar and Harley!  Michael will be back, very soon.

Fretless thanks to those who fret and those who don’t,  including you, of course!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , | 38 Comments

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38 thoughts on “Day 991: Don’t fret

  1. I love that first photo Ann – I didn’t know your cat read your blog! ❤

    Hey, I'm the first to comment on this post for the first time ever!

  2. I will honor your No Fret Day, Ann, even as I meet with a financial advisor about what to do with my 401 K. I learned to never fret about finances…one of the best lessons learned from my father. Enjoy your reunion weekend ! ❤️

  3. I thought Oscar was acting as editor. Your use of the word “fret” got me wondering about the word’s origins, but when I went to the Oxford English Dictionary I found a remarkable number of different frets, from your use–“To distress oneself with constant thoughts of regret or discontent”, which is derived from an Old English word meaning “to eat”, to the musical kind which is still in use to meanings I’d never heard of, such as “Ornamental interlaced work” to an obsolete meaning, “to adorn richly with gold, silver, or jewels”. Fretting can be a good thing.
    I sometimes fret about mentioning The Kinks so frequently, but they’re the band I know best so their songs often come to mind, such as the lovely and largely unknown “Don’t You Fret”.

    • Because this is a No Fret Day, Chris, I’m not going to fret about your not acknowledging, in your wonderful comment, my use of another meaning of the word “fret” in this post. Don’t you fret about that or about including great music, ever.

  4. No Fret Day should be everyday!! It is so much fun to dedicate a special day to it, though:) I won’t fret about having to clean and get this house in order today and instead go get myself a much needed hair trim! Happy No Fret Day, Ann:)

  5. I think it was the Yankees centerfielder from the late 1970s, Mickey Rivers, who said something to the effect of, “I don’t worry about things I can’t do anything about, because if I can’t do anything about it, why should I worry? And I don’t worry about things I can do something about, because if I can do something about it, why should I worry?” I kind of like that take. Of course, the story is also that he bet on horses so much that his wife came in to the clubhouse and demanded that his paycheck be paid out to her instead of him, and back in the day even George Steinbrenner would know when to listen to authority. But I bet Mickey didn’t worry about it, either way.

    • I am not going to fret, or worry, about the fact that while you were here commenting about Mickey Rivers, Jeff, I was at your blog commenting about your latest amazing poem.

  6. Hi, my friend Ann – thank-you for including more photos of that dining/sitting area in the parking lot. Is it part of that Virtual Reality Tour? I no longer need to fret about that, but will just enjoy it for it’s Fellini-like oddness. My best friend used to have a Siamese cat named Oscar, but we called him Tittens – don’t ask me why.
    I do appreciate your various uses of the word fret.
    I am not going to fret today even though we have to make a trek to Las Vegas (my boys and I). It is an arduous trip, very boring, but I will be with my boys – who are now old enough to share in the driving. We are going to Mr. Olympia – should be interesting. So I may not be able to visit over the weekend. But don’t fret Ann, I will be back (must read that last part in the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger).

  7. Okay, no fretting startinggggg; NOW!

  8. I tell my girls all the time, “don’t fret, my pet.” it’s easier said than done. I hope they’ll tell me that someday, too.

  9. I want to see Oscar’s feedback haha.

  10. I am not fretting today- I am letting everything just roll off my back! What a wonderful pen- certainly must help to keep you from fretting 🙂

  11. Hope you have a wonderful reunion.

  12. Hmmm…isn’t English great? Don’t fret. The note is not he third fret. Check out the fretwork. Happy 45th reunion!

  13. When I read “Don’t Fret” I thought of the frets on a guitar. I don’t even play guitar!

  14. Not so many shots of what you saw yesterday

  15. I was waiting for this event to pass, so now I know you’re not fretting!

  16. If you don’t fret, you can’t play the bass. Don’t worry, Ann. They make a fretless bass.

    • I’m not going to fret about missing your playful comment, Mark, because there’s no bass-is for that. I remain fretless even as I play my fretful ukulele.

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