Day 2407: Mass shootings

This morning, I looked at the news with dread to find out more information about the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas.  After I found out more horrible details about that one, I saw that there had been another mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio.

For years, many people have presented credible cases on ways to reduce gun violence in the United States and polls indicate that most Americans agree with these changes.

And yet, the mass shootings go on.

What can we do?

This is what I do:

  • I write about it in my blog (even when it’s too much to process).
  • I ask for contributions to Everytown for Gun Safety on my birthday and today.
  • I vote for people who share my views about gun violence.
  • I support my son in attending a University outside of the United States, partly because I believe he is safer there.
  • I encourage the acceptance and love of the different parts of each human being and the different parts of the human race.

I also distract myself from this horrific violence in my country by taking photos of other things.










It’s an uphill climb to find a solution for uncontrolled violence; I hope we find it fast.

Here’s “Mass Shootings: When words fail”  featuring Steve Hartman and The Onion:


Thanks to all who helped me create today’s blog post and — of course — to you, for being here, now.


Categories: blogging, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 28 Comments

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28 thoughts on “Day 2407: Mass shootings

  1. The saying “With great power comes great responsibility” has become cliche but that’s because it’s so true. I thought of it when lawmakers in Tennessee tried to pass a law allowing people to carry guns to work even against the wishes of their employer. The argument some lawmakers made was “sometimes people forget they have a gun in their car”.
    Guns are extremely powerful and no one should ever be so irresponsible as to forget they have one or where it is, and allowing people to be so irresponsible is inexcusable.
    The law, when used correctly, reminds us what our responsibilities are. It’s sad that we keep having this conversation and will keep having it until there are laws that promote responsibility.

  2. We have to find it fast for sure, Ann.

  3. I just cannot comprehend why anyone needs to own a gun, unless it is to defend their stock against wild animals.

  4. I don’t understand where are all the guns even come from. Are there stores selling these things next to Starbucks? Can you order them online?

    I watched the “Mass shootings: when words fail” video and it was powerful but it didn’t help me understand where people are getting AK-47s (etc) or what the journalist thought the government could do to try to make Americans safer.

    I’ve heard the argument that people need to have guns in order to protect themselves. The flip side of that is that if you do have a gun, you’re probably more likely to believe that there are enemies out there who you are supposed to shoot.

  5. Not more to say about this. It’s going to keep happening. And keep being distressing. Two at once.

  6. Thank you for this Ann. We talk about the issue of gun control and the violence. Yet, to me it’s also about reaching out to people with mental and emotional issues, and helping them deal with their own thoughts and feelings. Never forget that that’s what you are doing to bring more understanding and peace.
    The source of the disease is not guns, it’s about a persons ability to cope with life.
    We all have our part to play in this.

    • Thank you for playing your part so beautifully, Val. ❤

      • When we come from our higher calling we can’t help ourselves. Thank you beautiful Ann 🙏
        You must be heading to Edinburgh soon. I’m so excited for you 😄

  7. Such sad news
    You wonder why some people can get hold of guns, not everyone who owns a gun goes out on a mass killing spread

  8. I’m an Australian and had lived in the States for a few years before returning to Aus. Whilst there, I did worry about whether my children’s playmates’ parents owned guns and if they were safely locked away. We were fortunate in that nothing happened but I do recall reading about a 4 year old accidentally but fatally shooting his baby sister after his mother came home and casually tossed her handbag on the lounge. The lad picked up the hand gun that fell out and playfully aimed it at his sister and sadly, it killed her.
    Coming from a country where only law enforcement officers, farmers and security people carried guns whilst the average citizen rarely saw pistols or guns, to a country where guns are the norm, was deeply concerning and took some getting used to. I hope and pray that some day, sooner than later, Americans can go about their daily lives freely and safely and not have to worry about being shot. 🌹

  9. Pingback: Day 2444: How many lives do we have? | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

  10. Thank YOU. My concern for the sadness of this self-inflicted mayhem has increased this year with the arrival of out American granddaughter. We can own and use guns in the UK (though not, I think, assault rifles and machine guns) and tragedies do happen, but there are checks in place to prevent the owning and use of mass killing types of guns by the young, the inexperienced, the mentally challenged and the dangerous individual. These checks mean that obtaining such a gun is not a first resort for the angry, the sad, the misled and the paranoid individual. May America wake up from this nightmare and find a way to prevent it in future.

    • Thank you for this beautifully articulated comment, Hilary.

      I understand your concern. I had to remind myself yesterday that the odds are that this won’t happen to me or those I love — otherwise it might have been difficult for me to leave my home.
      The proliferation and accessibility of assault weapons in the U.S. s inexcusable. Things have to change, soon.

      Congratulations on the arrival of your granddaughter! I’m always so grateful when you visit my blog. ❤

  11. It seems to me it has gone too far to ever be stopped

  12. It has broken my heart to listen to my young granddaughters talk about “active shooter” drills at their school. They’re 10 and 11 and this has been part of their school experience from almost the beginning. And I have known four women who lost their lives with gun violence. Only one was shot by a stranger, and all the others were domestic violence. I just cannot wrap my head around this, and I don’t think I should be able to. I’m angry. 😦 I COMPLETELY understand your belief that Aaron is much safer in Scotland. xx

  13. someone said Babe Ruth couldn’t have hit 60 home runs without a bat. continue…

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