Day 367: Screen Shots

Since my style can be somewhat spontaneous*, it is rare that I decide, ahead of time, what my topic or image is going to be for my daily post.

Yesterday, however, I saw something on my computer and thought, “I HAVE to take a screen shot of THAT. I’m probably going to use that in my blog tomorrow.”

My next thought was, ” Arrrrgh!  I can’t remember how to take screen shots!” Next thought: “Google it!”  And I did.

I don’t know, people, why I panic when I can’t remember something like that. It’s like I have ongoing amnesia about the fact that things are easily retrievable.  Apparently, my brain hasn’t caught up to the realities of technology, with which I’m interacting every day.

Get with the program, Brain!

Anyway, I did manage (pretty easily) to take a screen shot of that image, which had inspired some fear, on its own. THAT fear, ladies and gentlemen, had to do with ………

(can you guess?)

(hints: I live in the Northeast United States. It’s January.)

Time’s up!

The weather.

Here’s the screen shot:


If you’re easily distracted, like me, allow me to call your attention to the weather portion of that screen shot:


I love comparing my perceptions to other people’s, so I’m curious, right now: What did you notice first about that weather report?

I’ll tell you what struck me, big time.  The numbers — those wild variations in temperature in my immediate future. My thoughts: “It’s going to be THAT friggin’ freezing on Friday and then THAT warm on Monday?!??? Eeeek!! Arrrghhh!  HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO REMAIN SANE AROUND HERE????”

It was at that point that I decided to capture that screen shot, to share my feelings with the blogging world. I then turned my attention to other things.

Soon after that, I picked up a phone message from my son’s father, stating that he was trying to get snow tires put on his car, and could I bring my son over to his girlfriend’s home?

On my way driving my son there, here was a thought that eventually snuck into that brain of mine:

WHY is he trying to get snow tires on New Year’s Day?

This didn’t make sense to me, for several reasons:

  1. Most people, in these parts, don’t get snow tires put on their cars. They have year-long tires that do well enough during the snow.
  2. On New Year’s Day, pretty much everything is closed.

When I can’t make sense of something, it can be difficult for me to remain on task, trying to solve a problem. The result of that, yesterday: Vague confusion, with some sense of dread.

I mentioned my confusion to my son. “I can’t figure out why your father is trying to get snow tires put on his car today. I’m wondering if this is something I should be concerned about.”

And then we went back to talking about other things.

When we reached our destination, I said to my son’s father’s girlfriend, “I have to ask: Why is Leon trying to get snow tires put on his car on New Year’s Day?”

And as often happens when I’m confused, somebody else has a perfectly reasonable explanation. She said, “His car is too light, and had so much trouble getting up the hill in the last snow.  And, that big snow storm is coming tomorrow.”

My response: “Big snow storm?”

Hers (somewhat incredulously): “You didn’t hear about the storm?”

Just then, I realized I had missed something important.  And sure enough, those scary numbers in that screen shot had distracted me from something else in that picture.

Those nice-looking clouds with snow flakes, two days in a row.

Get with the program, Brain!

Thanks to confused people everywhere, to people who have to drive in snow, and to you — of course! — for visiting today.

I am, apparently, transitioning here, from yesterday’s post to today’s.

Categories: humor, personal growth | Tags: , , , , , , , | 35 Comments

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35 thoughts on “Day 367: Screen Shots

  1. Your weather and our weather at the foothills of the Rockies should get together — they could create quite a storm!

    good luck with your weather. Stay warm. Hugs

    (you make me smile — I saw our forecast and wondered the same thing about the ups and downs!)

  2. “I’m wondering if this something I should be concerned about.” Love it. 🙂

  3. aren’t people who put snow tires on the one’s who live in Minnesota, North Dakota and Alaska? I’ve never heard of snow tires before….and I was born in Chicago where the weather sucks even worse than the northeast but we didn’t even have snow tires there!

  4. Here is how different your weather is from mine – you just said 47 dg would be Warm. That is still considered freezing to me! We are only getting up to 46 today and I’m dying! We are all bundled up and under blankets non-stop! 🙂
    Hope you survive the snow!

    • It is amazing how my internal thermometer adapts to things. A few months ago that temperature would have seemed freezing to me, too. I guess it’s all relative.

      Thanks so much for your warmth-bringing visit and comment today!

  5. I enjoyed your post. It is timely in that I’m a Californian looking out a window at a snow-covered scene. This is one of only a few times in my life that I could honestly make that comment. I’m visiting my grandtwins in IL and it snowed last night. Life is good.

  6. Ann, this post made me laugh out loud. I don’t even know why. Your stream-of-consciousness rambling about weather and snow tires is just so delightful.

    The only thing I noticed about your screen shot was the big sun in the weather report. I didn’t notice the temperatures or the snow either. But maybe that’s because I live in a place where clouds and rain are the norm and even on days where there will be several hours of sun, the weather people put a cloud on the forecast page just so that you won’t forget your umbrella.

    The thing that I noticed about your having to Google screen shots? That you NEVER forget how to write an entertaining post. Millions of people, myself included, would trade our nimble screenshot know-how for your writing skills, not to mention your intelligence and empathy.

    However, I do feel quite proud of my screen-shot-taking ability now, as this is a skill I’d overlooked before but definitely have mastered. Thank you for this boost.

  7. Yeah, sometimes you just have to go beyond the numbers.

  8. Oh, you are too funny, and the reason I am laughing, how I can relate. I’m giggling as I am writing this because I am in a deep freeze with snow and the temps are going to get lower then yours on Friday! It’s friggin’ cold out there! And I must go out and feed barn cats next door ’cause our neighbor does not.

    I really had a good laugh. Thank you!!! I also can relate to the “confusion”. LOL

    • I am so happy I made you laugh! And I’m glad the barn cats have you to feed them. Keep as warm as you can.


      • Thank you, Cindy. If I know an animal is in need, I go to them. It’s been that way a L O N G time and people tend to take advantage. More importantly to me, is the health of these animals that do have a way of coming to me.

        Hubs is outside right now shoveling snow. I took a pic of him with his face mask on. It is just that bitter here. That cold hurts when it hits your skin! xxoo

  9. Here in the UK I keep wrapping up for the winter that hasn’t really arrived, then worrying about the winter storms that have (wind, rain, high tides). Tomorrow I can have a real worry as my daughter flies the Atlantic setting off into one of these storms. If I look at the symbols on the online weather chart, they look fine, but there is a note below about gale force winds. However, I believe the weather predictions (in the uk) are right approximately 50% of the time in any one place. Useful?

    • I’ll be sending out good wishes and hopes for your daughter’s flight. And I think the accuracy of the weather predictions in the USA are similar to that in the UK. But, as usual, we would like to believe we can know the future (including the weather). Thanks so much for the visit and the comment, Hilary!

  10. Your brain sounds much like mine –easily distracted and prone to wandering off at odd moments. Good luck with the storm!

  11. Your makes screenshot makes me wonder of my weather

  12. I can’t believe I missed this yesterday, Ann. It must be because I was distracted by being out in my car taking a photo of the temperature juxtaposed with a sunny song. Our topics were similar in foundation. Numbers, attention, distraction. Good post as always.

  13. Sending you thoughts out for a Happy New Year, and I hope the weather eases up from those snow storms… Here we are having Gales and rain and floods… Have a brilliant 2014

  14. I have no idea how to take screen shots. I am planning on learning all that “high tech” stuff (haha) in 2014.
    I have no snow tires. And right now, we’re under a foot of snow. I’m screwed. Not really, but snow tires would help.
    You’re very civil to the Ex’s girlfriend. I like that. I would like to be civil to my Ex’s girlfriend. Let’s pray in the New Year that he gets one, and stops bothering me for sex, which will Never Happen.

  15. Pingback: Day 2312: Struck | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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