Day 4157: Self confidence

As I get closer to my concerts of original songs, my self confidence has been fluctuating. On Saturday, it was high; yesterday it was low.

My ability hasn’t changed, just my faith in it.

Today, I’m going to practice my songs and also practice raising my self confidence.

Do you see self confidence in the following images?


When I can’t solve a problem, it affects my self confidence. I’ve been assuming that my phone has been having trouble loading photos onto my blog because I of the thousands of pictures I have stored on my phone. Yesterday, I deleted many photos, and that seemed to help, but now I can’t load the holidays and world observances for today.

Suffice to say that today is Eliza Doolittle Day, and I can identify with Eliza and her changes in self-confidence.

Here’s what I find when I search for “self-confidence” on YouTube:


Thanks to all who help me work on my self confidence, including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “Day 4157: Self confidence

  1. I’m suspicious of self-confidence. It seems to imply that I am right and everybody else is wrong. Which is not right. Which is actually wrong. Self-confidence should be the certainty that you are right and that everybody else is too. Even if they are wrong. Wait a minute. That’s not quite right. Self-confidence should mean that you are probably right with a small chance that you’re wrong. But is that self-confidence? What if I’m probably wrong with a small chance of being right?

    You see why I’m suspicious of it. As for your concert, behave as if you are going to Carnegie Hall and practice practice practice. Then, if self-doubt overtakes you for only a moment, muscle memory will kick in. But I don’t think it will be only self-confidence that will carry you through, Ann. It will be the joy of sharing your favorite songs with an audience. You will shine through for yourself and for them. I believe you will.

    • Despite your different thoughts and feelings about self-confidence, Barbara, you really helped my self-confidence with this comment!

  2. It’s amazing how much playing music can build self-confidence, which I’m sure you’ve experienced and will continue to experience. With music you get immediate feedback and it’s so powerful when it’s right. My ukulele teacher also says it’s more important to be confident than right every time. Even if you hit one wrong note go on because the next one can be right.

  3. that chocolate turtle gives me the confidence to know that I could live off of that for quite long time if I had to. my self confidence suffers when I have to do public speaking. knowing I will have to do a few goodbye speeches for my retirement, made me worry a bit. but then, I reminded myself that I like to tell stories, and so that is how I will say my goodbyes not with a formal speech and I feel much better about it

    • Your comments always help my confidence, beth, and I am confident that you will make wonderful speeches.

  4. It is interesting to me that your self-confidence fluctuates while your ability remains the same. There must be some valve controlling the flow of confidence, and I wonder if it is anxiety. But, when your self-confidence is low, does that affect your ability to learn or your performance?

    I have been taking a Japanese class and started out with strong self confidence and was learning quickly. Now, my self confidence is low and I seem to have hit a learning wall. Would I learn better with more self-confidence? Or would I have more self confidence if I was learning as solidly as I did for the first weeks? I have been wondering that.

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