Day 4135: What are they saying?

Yesterday, I went to a group therapy demonstration where it was difficult to hear what the group members and the facilitator were saying. That bothered me until I realized that I could still learn a lot by taking in non verbal communication and other signals from those around me.

These days, life can be so confusing that I often wonder “what are they saying?” even when the words are quite clear.

What are they saying in my images for today?


Here’s what I find on YouTube when I search for “what are they saying?”


I also found this:


What am I saying at the end of every blog post?

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

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12 thoughts on “Day 4135: What are they saying?

  1. I hate when I can’t hear what people around me are saying! Being blind I rely heavily on my listening skills!

  2. Joan is saying, ‘don’t forget to look up. look to the stars for your answers.’

  3. I wish there were an app that captioned folks while you videoed them so I could hear what they’re saying, even around a dinner table. I’m sure it would be cheaper than the hearing aids I can’t afford!

  4. I just learned that in Guarani, widely spoken in Paraguay, the usual greeting translates are “Are you happy?” The appropriate answer is “Yes”, even if the person isn’t happy. It’s like asking “How are you?” Most people say “Fine” and it often takes a lot more to understand what they’re really saying.

  5. Debbie Terman

    it’s very frustrating to be sitting at a program and not be able to hear what’s going on! Or any place where information is being transmitted, such as an airplane captain whose in-flight announcement can’t be heard over the noise of the engines.

  6. That was a cute bunny in an unexpected place.

    I wonder if Aaron is coming home soon?

    • I don’t think Aaron will be coming home soon, but maybe he will show up in an unexpected place. Thanks for showing up here, Maureen.

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