Day 4186: Wonderfully weird

Whereas I felt bad about being weird when I was kid (due to my weird heart condition), these days I am proud of being wonderfully weird!

Do you see anything wonderfully weird in my images for today?


There are many wonderfully weird things out there and this is what I found on YouTube when I searched for “wonderfully weird”:


Thanks to all the wonderfully weird ones who make my life weirdly wonderful, including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

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10 thoughts on “Day 4186: Wonderfully weird

  1. Here’s to having a screw loose in Mashpee and beyond, Ann.

  2. Being weird is unique. Don’t ever lose your weirdness to fit into today’s society.

  3. barbarade33afcfd8

    I remember years ago someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I told them I wanted to be an eccentric. He gave me a weird look (I’m making that up, I don’t remember what he said.) The point being, weird was never something I avoided. It’s been a lifelong endeavor. 🙂

  4. A guy I went to school with regularly asked me “Have you been smoking Froot Loops again?” It was a weird question and I was glad to be weird enough to prompt it even without smoking anything.

  5. I embrace my ‘weird’ and live it with pride

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