Day 4183: Resentment

There’s going to be a lot of resentment in today’s blog, and I feel no need to apologize about that.


I can always depend on the Daily Bitch for some juicy resentment.

My singing teacher Shereé Marcelle has a much better voice than I do, but I have no resentment about that. Today, I’ll be seeing her perform as a mother with bipolar disorder (and maybe some resentment) in the musical Next to Normal.

I’m trying not to look for resentment these days, but I’ll look for it now on YouTube.


Resentment is just another human feeling that we need to recognize, acknowledge, and allow to flow through us. If we squelch, deny, or judge our resentment (like we might squelch other uncomfortable feelings), it will stay around longer.

Thanks to all who are here for this resentment post, including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism, Psychotherapy | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

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12 thoughts on “Day 4183: Resentment

  1. I try to keep it from affecting my loved ones, Ann.

  2. I try not to carry this and move ahead, it really does no good for anyone

  3. barbarade33afcfd8

    I carried a lot of it for much of my life, most of it having to do with my parents, but over the years I began to realize that they were acting out of what they had been taught was love, i.e., trying to mould us into good little Christian businesspeople. Today, we are all pretty much intelligent, kind, and funny, but none of us (6) go to church or are in business. I was the only openly avowed atheist, and I still remember my mother’s sorrowful comment, “I’m just so afraid that I will never see you in heaven, Barbara.” Kinda wish I hadn’t laid that burden on her.

  4. Sometimes when I’m not working I feel resentment toward people I’ve worked with bubbling up. I remember feeling ignored, dismissed, or condescended to. Then I think, why am I dwelling on work when I’m not working? And I go do something else that makes me feel better.

  5. barbarade33afcfd8

    Just a short note on here, Ann. If I don’t reply to anything on ExTwitter in the next few days, it’s because I logged off trying to get rid of a popup (got rid of it elsewhere), and now I don’t remember all my passwords to get back in. But I can still get here when it comes around in my email. Just saying.

  6. Pingback: Day 4184: Community Standards | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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