Day 1668: Denial

“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt,” wrote Mark TwainHere are other undeniable quotes about denial:

It’s not denial.  I’m just selective about the reality I accept.  — Bill Watterson

In one way, I suppose, I have been “in denial” for some time, knowingly burning the candle at both ends and finding it often gives a lovely light. — Christopher Hitchens

I feel that as you’re long as you’re honest, you have the opportunity to grow. It’s when you shut down, go into denial, and try to start hiding things from yourself and others, that’s when you lock into certain behaviors and attitudes that keep you stuck. — Tracy McMillan

I have a very highly developed sense of denial.  — Gwyneth Paltrow

I have a very highly developed sense of denial, too — that’s why it’s taken me so long to write today’s post.  My iPhone camera, my laptop, and WordPress keep denying each other access and I’m almost in complete denial about that. I’ve had to restart my computer many times to load this photo about denial:


Since we’ve moved a week ago, I’ve been going in and out of denial about all the preparations needed to make this house a home. That reminds me of this quote from Melody Beattie:

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast …


… a house into a home,





… a stranger into a friend.




That’s Scott — one of many service people visiting our new home these days — taking a picture of Oscar to send to his girlfriend. There’s no denying that we’re all cat people around here.

Since gratitude unlocks the fullness of life, here’s undeniable gratitude to all who helped me create this post. And there’s no denying my gratitude to you, my readers.


For those of you who think I’m in denial about including a relevant YouTube video, here‘s one for you:


Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 34 Comments

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34 thoughts on “Day 1668: Denial

  1. It’s comforting to see Oscar settling in so quickly. No denying that for him, at least, he’s at home. 🙂

  2. Can’t deny I enjoy stopping by your blog to see what you are doing, Ann.

  3. Oscar seems to have found one of his known places for resting, no denial Ann 🙂
    I think your cats are enjoying the fresh air in your new house.
    When I lived with balcony to the sea, my cats loved to stay at this balcony.

  4. With all you’re fitting in, Ann, perhaps a call to the Apple Support folks before a trip to the Genius Bar … But maybe all of that has been crossed off your list already. I can’t deny my urge to butt in on that issue.

    • I can’t deny that my plans include what you’re suggesting, Mark, before we go to Scotland in August. Please do not deny your urge to be the caring friend that you are.

  5. I am in denial around technology too. Its such a huge unknown, that its easier to hope it fixes itself with an upgrade.
    On the other hand, perhaps it isn’t denial at all. This could be a more “wait and see” and “going with the flow” approach.
    LOL 😆

  6. Ann, I can’t deny that I really enjoyed your blog this morning, I showed my man all the photos and found myself telling him how soon you’ll go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and that probably Aaron will stay then for his second year at college, and how Hiding Harley caused water damage at the old house, and how Aaron and Michael cook together weekly via FaceTime across the pond from one another. I can’t deny it’s probably unusual that I told him all those things, but I can’t deny I enjoy knowing you here!

  7. There’s no denying the fact anymore, you’re the only Ann I know in Massachusetts. Hmmm, I’m thinking, maybe the whole of USA as well. I’m glad you have a serviceman to come in and look after your cat…

  8. I’ve lived in my house for 38 years and I’m still in denial about all the things that need to be done. All those things that need to be done, however, don’t make a house a home; it’s the love and people within the house.

  9. If Denial was a river in Egypt, I am sure your real estate agent would have shown you property there

    Glad to see Oscar settling in so happily. How is Harley?

  10. This is a great opportunity to share one of my favorite quotes of all time, from the imminently quotable Garrison Keillor who said, “Sometimes you have to look reality in the eye, and deny it.”
    My wife and I saw Keillor perform his one-man show The Story of Guys. Before he came out a woman in front of us asked the man next to her, “Who’s this guy again?” and he said, “Some kind of writer or something.” She replied, “Great. This’ll be boring as hell,” and they both laughed.
    I kept an eye on them through the show and noticed they really enjoyed themselves. The wit and wisdom of Keillor won them over, and I’m glad they didn’t deny it.

  11. Ann,
    Can’t feel too angry or guilty about those water views. Gratitude comes to mind.

  12. Denial??????????????
    Am I in denial??????????????
    I don’t know, I don’t think so, I know I am short and fat and well you know kinda silly and ramble on about rubbish and I can’t deny that I do like your blog

  13. I can’t deny my denial. It’s sometimes a saving grace. Fortunately I know when to lay it aside….

  14. I do hope it takes you less time to sort out your internet problems than it took us when we moved here.

  15. The gratitude is right back at you 🙂 I can’t offer you anything except the jokes on my latest post.

  16. Denial is a problem solver’s worst enemy.

  17. The only denial I see is that you deny you are in denial! Ah…what a word…I deny I ever denied it. Is that double denial? You are fun, my friend. And I don’t deny that.

  18. Pingback: Day 2111: Say it isn’t so | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

  19. Pingback: Day 2305: Denial | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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