Day 136: Clichés (continued)

Last week, I wrote a post on clichés (see here), and how I was hearing some clichés differently.

I am learning that clichés have much to teach me. (Other things that can teach me a lot: this blog; other people’s blogs; other people in general; machines including phones, fax machines, and pacemakers; and animals including cats, zebras, black rhinos, and small rodents including this one, which — if my memory is correct — is a dwarf hamster whose official title includes one of the countries in the map I posted yesterday:


Anyway, I would like to add another cliché to the ones in that previous post:

6.  The best things in life are free.

Yes, indeed. Including water. And love.

Thanks for reading, everybody! (And to quote Jonathan Hilton, a loyal and appreciated reader, all’s well that ends well.)


Categories: personal growth | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “Day 136: Clichés (continued)

  1. I have just a few drafts of blogs I haven’t finished or posted. One is called “A Cliche Worth Being.” ha!

  2. Pingback: Day 137: Ghosts and Bravery | The Year of Living Non-Judgmentally

  3. Pingback: Day 143: Disorientation and learning | The Year of Living Non-Judgmentally

  4. Pingback: Day160: Fame, Shmame | The Year of Living Non-Judgmentally

  5. Pingback: Day 203: Will | The Year of Living Non-Judgmentally

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