Posts Tagged With: How to talk to the worst parts of yourself

Day 4156: Unconditional welcome

At some point in every therapy group, I express unconditional welcome by saying, “Thanks for showing up exactly the way you did today.”

Karen Faith, in her TED talk, describes the importance of unconditional welcome for others and for the different parts of oneself.


Do you see unconditional welcome in my images for today?


My husband Michael is going to give an unconditional welcome to Plant Something Day by planting Calla Lillies. I’m going to practice giving unconditional welcome to audiences (and the different parts of me) for my upcoming shows at the Lilypad in Cambridge.

What are your thoughts and feelings about unconditional welcome?

Thanks for showing up exactly the way you did today!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

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