Day 4180: World Holidays and Observances

One of my daily observances is sharing a list of World Holidays and Observances, usually found at this website:


Unlike the writer on the World Holiday and Observances web page, I’m not sure that everyone can agree on anything these days, but I definitely appreciate the positivity and the daily lists.

Yesterday, Michael, without knowing it, helped us observe National Corn on the Cob Day in style.


Last night, I asked a question on Twitter about another one of yesterday day’s World Holidays and Observances, and many people joined in.


Here is today’s list of World Holidays and Observances.


As often happens, I’ll be observing one of those imperfectly — that is, on a different day. Friday will be my National Automotive Service Professionals Day because I’ll be bringing my car in then for an oil change.

However, Michael’s food intuition is perfect two days in a row: he’s cooking chicken tonight!

Do you see any potential World Observances and Holidays in my other images for today?

Yesterday was Broken Water Main Day in these parts.
We’re constantly observing some kind of Cat Day around here.


For those who want to observe it, World Play Your Ukulele Day is February 2 — my birthday!

Today, I’ll be planning a personal world holiday: a trip with my son Aaron this August. I’m hoping that world holiday will include seeing the Canadian Rockies AND my long-time blogging friend, Maureen (who shares many helpful observances here).

Here’s what I find when I search for “world holidays and observances” on YouTube.


Thanks to all who help me celebrate every day — no matter what the world observances and holidays are — including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

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11 thoughts on “Day 4180: World Holidays and Observances

  1. We enjoyed some delicious corn on the cob last week, Ann. Aw, shucks. And my dear wife Karen whipped us up her delicious marinated chicken for dinner last night. We celebrate good things when we can.

  2. An ex of mine used to celebrate Groundhog’s Day Eve. I have on occasion celebrated Bicycle Day on April 19th (the day the chemist who concocted LSD discovered what he had found when he inadvertently took some and rode his bicycle home – in Switzerland – downhill. Used to throw a party for Jerry’s (Garcia) birthday on August 1st, combining it with my daughter’s birthday party (August 4th). But then there was the year I didn’t have a party and made dinner reservations instead. Called my daughter and told her not to make any plans for Tuesday. We’re going out to dinner. “Why?” she asks. “Because it’s your birthday, silly.” “Mom, Tuesday is Jerry Garcia’s birthday. My birthday is Friday.”

  3. Debbie Terman

    12-12-12, cool date! One of my daughter’s good friends from high school got married on that day. (And while we’re on cool dates to get married, my nephew was married on 8-18-18.)

  4. Someone else already shared my idea for how to make life beautiful: just observe the beauty in the world. I think Joan is very observant too.

  5. I really hope to see you and Aaron, Ann!

    I did not know that it was national corn on the cob day recently. I have never seen corn growing except from a distance or perhaps only in a photo. So I don’t know what a cob looks like on the plant. Or what season corn ripens in. Is it corn season already? For some reason I thought that would be August.

    I hope you have running water in your area,

    • I hope it’s not too corny to say that I can’t wait to see you in August (when corn ripens, apparently).

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