Posts Tagged With: The Infographics Show

Day 4155: Places to avoid

I hope this blog is not one of those places to avoid for anybody.

For me, places to avoid are mostly unhelpful places in my mind — where my perception is skewed because of past negative experiences. These places predict failure, misery, and pain, despite all evidence to the contrary.

While I can’t totally avoid these mental places, I’ve learned to leave them more quickly, getting to better and more productive places as soon as possible.

Do you see places to avoid in my images for today?


I hope the Daily Bitch isn’t referring to my upcoming concerts at the Lilypad in Cambridge.

I can only imagine what I’ll find when I search for “places to avoid” on YouTube.

Places to avoid never include gratitude, so thanks to all who did not avoid this blog today, including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Day 3970: Why do I feel so stupid?

On the 3970th day of this daily blog, why do I feel so stupid?

Lots of reasons, including

  • The email on my phone stopped updating with new messages on Sunday.
  • When I searched for solutions to the problem online, there was a recommendation for me to delete the cache and I couldn’t do the steps suggested on my phone.
  • I don’t know what or where the cache is in that context.
  • I tried to make a Genius Bar appointment at my local Apple Store and couldn’t do that either, despite trying several times.
  • When I was on a chat with an Apple support person this morning and started updating my phone, he wrote “I hope you created a backup before you did that” and I had to reply “Ooops. No. Am I in trouble?”
  • Technology issues like this make me feel so stupid that I feel the urge to explain to the support person why I am not as stupid as I seem.
  • Another Apple support person just asked me to sign into my email provider’s website on my phone and I had to tell him (1) I don’t know how to do that, (2) I don’t think I remember my password, and (3) I’m writing a blog post about how stupid I feel about all this.
  • He just wrote “No need to beat yourself up” so he is obviously smarter than I am.

Actually, he helped me fix the problem really easily and now I no longer feel as stupid as I did five minutes ago.

But why do I feel so stupid if I encounter problems with technology when I know that I’m not alone in that?

Why do I feel so stupid if I have proven to myself and others many times that I am not stupid at all?

Why do I feel so stupid if I constantly tell people in therapy that labels like “stupid” are toxic and just wrong?

Why do I feel so stupid and annoyed if I’m talking in a meeting and somebody interrupts me?

Why do I feel so stupid when I can’t think of a better segue to start sharing my images for today?


Why do I feel so stupid when I have trouble making trivial decisions, like which list of daily holidays to share with people?

Here’s what I find on YouTube when I search for “why do I feel so stupid?”

I also find this:


Richard Feynman felt stupid, too!

Thanks to all who help me feel better no matter how stupid I feel, including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

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