Posts Tagged With: Ann Koplow concert

Day 4155: Places to avoid

I hope this blog is not one of those places to avoid for anybody.

For me, places to avoid are mostly unhelpful places in my mind — where my perception is skewed because of past negative experiences. These places predict failure, misery, and pain, despite all evidence to the contrary.

While I can’t totally avoid these mental places, I’ve learned to leave them more quickly, getting to better and more productive places as soon as possible.

Do you see places to avoid in my images for today?


I hope the Daily Bitch isn’t referring to my upcoming concerts at the Lilypad in Cambridge.

I can only imagine what I’ll find when I search for “places to avoid” on YouTube.

Places to avoid never include gratitude, so thanks to all who did not avoid this blog today, including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

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