Day 4197: Looking

Here’s looking at you, kid.

Without looking up the answer, what movie is that quote from?

My dear friend Janet (whom I met looking at films at Boston University in the 1980s and who was looking at my concert of original songs four weeks ago today) was looking at that very quotable movie yesterday, which I found out by looking at Facebook.

Besides great movies and dear friends, guess what I love looking at?


Apparently the Daily Bitch doesn’t mind looking at dust.

As I find out every day, there are so many different ways of looking at the same thing!

Here’s what I’m looking at when I search for “looking” on YouTube.

No matter what is going on in the world, I love looking at cats.


What are you looking at?

Thanks to all who are looking at this daily blog, including YOU!

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

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12 thoughts on “Day 4197: Looking

  1. I am looking at my favorite bloggers’ daily effort, Ann!

  2. Can you believe up until last week I had never seen Casa Blanca? I ended up watching it because I was reading a book about how to write screen plays and it suggested I watch a few movies before reading the rest of the book. I couldn’t believe how many quotable lines I had heard before from that movie and never even realized where they came from. We’ll always have Paris!

  3. barbarade33afcfd8

    I had an awful moment when my daughter was in her 20’s when I realized how many great movies she had never seen. I got Netflix movies in those little red envelopes in those days, so I ordered in succession Casablanca, The African Queen, Key Largo – hey, aren’t all of those Bogart movies? I guess I was a fan – and several more. She was duly unimpressed. That girl!

  4. I love that cat art with the stools

  5. I love looking at cats, too!

  6. I like looking at cats but I’ve also spent a lot of today looking at our dog Junko who’s four today. Later she’s going to be looking at a cake I baked just for her.

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