Posts Tagged With: Rx

Day 1894: Prescriptions

In my work as a therapist, sometimes I write prescriptions for people.  I’m not licensed to prescribe medications, so those prescriptions have included

  • Rx:  Keep doing what you’re doing.
  • Rx:  Be kind to yourself.
  • Rx:  This too shall pass.
  • Rx.  One  day at a time.
  • Rx:  One minute at a time.
  • Rx: Follow your heart.
  • Rx: Stay safe.
  • Rx:  Forgive yourself.
  • Rx:  Love yourself.
  • Rx:  Speak your truth.
  • Rx:  It’s safer than it feels.

I happen to have a blank prescription here.


What prescription would you write for yourself, here and now?

My daily prescriptions include writing this blog and sharing photos.










Those Yogi Tea sayings seem like prescriptions to me.

What’s the prescription for the rockin’ pneumonia and the boogie woogie flu?

Prescribed thanks to all who helped me write today’s blog post and — of course! — to YOU.


Categories: personal growth, photojournalism, Psychotherapy | Tags: , , , , , | 17 Comments

Day 262: Rx’s

Rx is:

A medical prescription. The symbol “Rx” is usually said to stand for the Latin word “recipe” meaning “to take.” It is customarily part of the superscription (heading) of a prescription.

Another explanation for the origin of Rx is that it was derived from the astrological sign for Jupiter which was once placed on prescriptions to invoke that god’s blessing on the drug to help the patient recover.


This is how Rx is written, on a prescription pad:


Sometimes, at the end of a therapy session, I will write somebody a prescription, on a notepad, like this one:


Whenever I write a prescription for somebody, I discuss it with them first. Then, after I write it, I hand it to them and say that I can rewrite it, if they want.

Sometimes the prescription is an action, sometimes it’s a phrase.

Here are some prescriptions I’ve written recently.

Rx:  “I’m doing the best I can.”

Rx:  Go more with your gut.

Rx: Ask yourself, “Does this thought help me?”

Rx: Focus on the phrase, “This will come to an end.”

When I hand somebody a prescription, I often say,  “Take as often as you want, when needed.”

So far, I haven’t heard about any adverse side effects.

Thanks to prescribers, old and new, and to you, for reading today.

Categories: personal growth | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

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