Posts Tagged With: Columbus Song

Day 1492: Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-Two

For Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-Two days, I’ve been blogging at WordPress. For about Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-Two months divided by two, I’ve been aware of this rhyme:

In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-Two,

Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

This inspires me to write my own rhymes this morning.

In the year Two Thousand and Seventeen

There’ve been some things that I’ve never seen.

A President who makes quick decisions

That hurt me like my old incisions.

I get few hours of precious peace

At cardiac rehab with the great Danise.


You see that chin? Danise is grabbin’ it

Cuz she knows I’d put her on my cabinet

If I ever got elected President.

I’m thankful I’m a long-time resident

Of a part of this divided country

Where lots of others agree with me.


Danise’s relative showed in a tweet

A change of opinion that seems complete.


It hurts when I hear of access restricted.

I cry when the innocent are convicted.


I wonder who is certified smart

And I fear for the future of music and art.


A teabag that speaks out about peace

Provides me a small piece of release.


My boyfriend Michael and my absent son Aaron

Bake a dish together that’s perfect for sharin’.


At the end of the day I get a ration

Of tea, beauty, and some compassion.

In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-Two,

Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

It was a courageous thing to do

But someone was already here.

And I’m grateful you’re here and there.


Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 29 Comments

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