Day 3683: Stupid shit

When I try to do things when I’m running a high fever, I inevitably do some stupid shit. For example, last night I noticed that the incredible Manual Cinema, whose breath-taking productions I’ve seen at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, was coming to Boston soon with a short run of Frankenstein (which I missed when I was last in Edinburgh in 2019) and when I tried to buy a ticket in the middle of the night, I did this stupid shit: I bought it for the wrong performance. Rather than beat myself up about that (which is REALLY some stupid shit), I got another ticket for the performance I wanted and let go of any judgment about my mistake.

I assume I’ll be able to get rid of the other ticket and that I’m be over COVID by then because, yes, I have that stupid shit again and during my birthday week, no less, which is really some stupid shit.

Do you see any stupid shit in my images for today?


This is what I find on YouTube when I search for “stupid shit.”


Thanks to all who are reading this “stupid shit” post, here and now, including YOU.

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments

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21 thoughts on “Day 3683: Stupid shit

  1. Sorry you got that stupid shit virus again. Hope it goes away soon and you feel better.

  2. Ann! I’m sorry you have to deal with covid again!
    May paxlovid keep your illness to as minimal suffering and discomfort as possible!!
    It’s so easy to catch, having just recently recovered, myself, even with all kinds of careful precautions. A very smart disease,but ,no doubt, your body is much smarter. sending love and hoping Michael and Aaron are not sick too.

  3. I hope the virus symptoms are mild this go-round, Ann, beat back by all your boosters!

  4. I hope you feel better soon – and that you can sell the other ticket! Stupid shit is no joke, haha. Have a good week.

  5. I’m sorry you’ve got that stupid shit which is largely a problem because of stupid shit when it started. But that production of Frankenstein sounds like it’s brilliant.

    • Thanks, Chris, and I have a special Easter Egg for you in today’s blog.

      • Although now that I think of it I might have the wrong name, which I know begins with a “K.” This KOVID is doing some stupid shit with my brain.

  6. Debbie T

    No no no! No fair getting stuck with COVID again. Not a very good birthday present. Get well soon.

  7. I am so sorry to hear that you have COVID again. How rotten! I hope you feel better soon.

  8. Pingback: Day 3684: Cool | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

  9. My favorite “escape” is my “sanctuairee” up the circle staircase. Ah yes, only me & the Holy Spirit, surrounded by angels who try to help me forgive myself for my daily “Stupid Shit.” We’re all guilty of it, you know. The good news is that occasionally we recognize it. And every now & then we learn from it! Hope you find a grateful soul who will love ❤️ those tickets you got by mistake! 👍🏽

    • Every time I do stupid shit, it all works out, somehow. A friend did buy one of the single tickets AND my husband Michael is going to the show with me! Thanks for another smart comment, Jan.

  10. i think we all kind of do this stuff, i prefer to think of these instances as ‘misadventures.’

    • That is a very smart reframe of stupid shit, my wise friend.

      • my grandson told me recently that whenever we meet up to do things we always have misadventures and he never knows what to expect but it’s fun

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