Day 3198: Safe spaces

We all need safe spaces to heal, but what spaces feel safe these days?

I’m thinking about safe spaces, here and now, because today is National GOE Day in the USA.

Do you see any safe spaces in my other images for today?

Locally, we’ll be making our home into a safe space when we repair the extensive structural damage under the upstairs shower. I’m just glad that my used-to-be-boyfriend-now-husband Michael observed water leaking outside the house before somebody fell through the floor!

Here’s what I find on YouTube when I search for “safe spaces.”

How do you create your own safe spaces?

I hope the comments section, below, is a safe enough space where you can express your thoughts, feelings, and experiences about safe spaces.

Thanks to all who help me create a safe space here, including YOU.

Categories: life during the pandemic, personal growth, photojournalism, therapy | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “Day 3198: Safe spaces

  1. Hello Ann 🙂 I would feel safe in the garden. In front of the scarecrow and beside Mickey. I would also feel safe on the beach. I would definitely march to support National Techies Day. Do you have to have a bf to march for National Boyfriend Day?

  2. Mauree

    Yikes! I hop hat the shower repairs are not too disruptive. Glad Michel spotted the leak a while back. We one did not know a toilet was slowly leaking until I fell though the floor.

  3. I had a marvellous diversion into all sorts of TED talks about safe spaces!

  4. Sunflowers and sandy shores–now that looks like a safe space. And how long does your poor cat have to wear that cone for?

  5. it looks like the world inside and out are full of life!

  6. puella33

    It seems as though the dog in the window found a safe space looking outside observing the outdoors.

  7. Next week I’m getting a booster shot as part of my own effort to create and maintain a safe space not just for me but others around me.

  8. Spaces with natural surroundings have always been safe places for me and you still and will always have beautiful landscapes (or creatures) to photograph.

  9. Home is my safe space, and don’t I know that I am fortunate to be able to say so!

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