Day 2510: It’s not unusual

It’s not unusual for me to

  • spend time worrying about something that doesn’t come to pass,
  • make assumptions about what somebody is thinking only to find that I was way off,
  • avoid checking the latest news,
  • wish better people were in power,
  • be shy about asking for help,
  • write on white boards at work,
  • talk to anybody who will listen about the healing power of groups,
  • pose a question and then find out the answer is more complicated than expected, and
  • appreciate being alive, every day.

In yesterday’s blog post — Day 2509: Transformation — I asked people to identify the guitarist on the 1965 Tom Jones hit, “It’s Not Unusual.”

While I was told the guitarist was Jimmy Page, it turns out that the guitarist was either Jimmy Page or Joe Moretti AND the keyboardist was definitely Reginald Dwight, more famously known as Elton John.

It’s not unusual for me to send an email like this to Michael:

Who was the keyboardist on “It’s Not Unusual”?

One of the most famous keyboardists in rock and roll history!

Don’t cheat! Answer provided tonight!

One of the least famous keyboardists in history

It’s not unusual for me to share my latest photos.





It’s not unusual for a cat to look at a king or a blogger.

It’s not unusual for me to share definitions, like this one:


A cat may look at a king is an English proverb that means even someone of low status has rights. A cat may look at a king implies that all people have certain minimal rights by virtue of being alive. Like many proverbs, the origin is unknown. The first printed version of the idiom a cat may look at a king was published in 1562, in The Proverbs And Epigrams Of John Heywood, “What, a cat may look on a king, ye know!” It is almost certain that the proverb existed in oral tradition long before it was written down. A cat may look at a king is a proverb that is not as popular as it was in the past, perhaps because inalienable human rights are more recognized in the present time, or perhaps because the power of kings is not what it once was.

It’s not unusual for me to appreciate any comments you might share, below.

It’s not unusual for me to express gratitude for all who help me create these daily blog post, including YOU!

Categories: definition, group therapy, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 23 Comments

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23 thoughts on “Day 2510: It’s not unusual

  1. It’s not unusual for me to comment on your posts but it is unusual to be the first to comment!

  2. It’s not unusual for me to be inspired by your posts each day

  3. It’s definitely not unusual for me to be overwhelmed with thoughts, starting with a joke you might recall: a man goes to see his doctor and says, “Every time I pass by the place where I grew up I sing ‘The Green, Green Grass Of Home’. Every time I see a cat I sing, ‘What’s New Pussycat?’ What’s wrong with me?”
    The doctor says, “Sounds like you’ve got Tom Jones syndrome.”
    “Tom Jones syndrome? I’ve never heard of that. Is it rare?”
    “It’s not unusual.”
    But also an epigram which Alexander Pope had engraved on the collar of a dog he presented to the Prince of Wales:
    “I am his highness’s dog at Kew;
    Pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you?”

  4. Luis Del Castillo

    It’s not unusual that you write the most awesome blog!

  5. puella33

    It’s not unusual for me to look forward to your blogs 🙂

  6. It’s not unusual for me to visit and comment at your blog, Ann 🙂
    Enjoy a good weekend!

  7. My mom used to love Tom Jones and so I grew up with that song. It’s unusual for me to run into mention of it by my friends, though. Thanks for making my day. I’m going to pull it up on YouTube and play it while I paint the guest room.

  8. Ann, I care! I also love your cat photos!

  9. It is not unusall for me to be here, because I care

  10. Pingback: Day 2547: Families | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

  11. I remember that Tom Jones album from my father’s collection as if it were yesterday, Ann.

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