Day 2151: Energy

One thousand, nine hundred, and seven days ago (but who has the energy to count?), I wrote a post titled Day 244: Positive Energy.   The post was about my dear relative, Diane, who exudes and sends positive energy.

I have the energy to notice that, back then  (five years ago!), I didn’t have the energy or the wherewithal to share my own photos in this blog. Now that I’ve practiced taking photos and sharing their energy through years of blogging, it takes little or no energy to share these three  photos from yesterday:




Yesterday, in a therapy group, we had the energy to explore our personal experience of energy, what gets in the way of having more energy, and what helps energize us.

I had the energy to take a photo of  the first part of my answer to the question of “What is your personal experience of energy?”   Do you have the energy to read that answer, above?

Today I have the energy to answer this question: “What gets in the way of you having more energy?”

  • Lack of self-care.
  • Cognitive distortions like comparisons, blaming, shoulds, negative filter, black and white thinking, fortune-telling, catastrophizing, and mind-reading.  (If you have the energy to go there, a full list of cognitive distortions is here.)
  • Procrastination (mine and other people’s).
  • Worry.
  • Judgment.
  • Shame.
  • Fear.
  • The news.
  • Difficult people.

However, I don’t have the energy to remember all the other things I listed yesterday.

What helps energize me?

  • Self-care.
  • Reframing cognitive distortions (for a list of energizing “antidotes” for unhelpful thoughts,  go here.)
  • Nature.
  • Good people.
  • Animals.
  • Helpful phrases like “You have all the time you need,” “You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be,” and “You’re doing the best you can.”
  • Walking.
  • Blogging.
  • Music (herehere, here, here, here, here, and here on YouTube).

Do you have the energy to make a comment?

I definitely have the energy to thank all  who helped me create this Energy post and — of course!!!!! — YOU.


Categories: group therapy, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

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16 thoughts on “Day 2151: Energy

  1. Winter weather and shorter daylight hours seem to rob me of some of my energy, Ann.

  2. I’m on energy saving mode! ┤* ̄O ̄*├ ┤*-.-*├ ┤_ _├

  3. I am inspired by the energy you have put into writing your blog every single day for the past 5 years or so and that energizes me.

  4. A question that sometimes comes up among writers I’ve known is “What do you read to recharge your batteries?” Some of us don’t see writers’ block as a block so much as temporarily being out of energy, and reading certain things can provide a boost.
    Thank you for the regular charge.

  5. I have bugga all energy lately and take it one day at a time

  6. My energy ebbs and flows. I have been a high energy person most of my life, but now, I think I’m learning going with the flow.

  7. When I began blogging I didn’t realise photographs were so popular. A friend asked me to add them. Now they take more energy than the writing

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