Day 1385: Compassion

I’ve been working on developing more compassion for myself and for others, lately.

Compassion has always been a passion of mine, but I’ve been more passionate about it recently, because of:

  • the current political climate in the United States,
  • the physical and emotional challenges I’ve been experiencing as I recover from open heart surgery,
  • disappointments I’ve been encountering, including the ill-timed and unexpected  recall of my pacemaker/defibrillator,
  • the healing power of  the compassion I’ve been experiencing from passionate friends, family members, and blog readers, and
  • the undeniable importance of compassion for human connection and growth.

Can you see compassion in any of my photos from yesterday?







I find it particularly difficult to experience and show compassion when I am in pain, afraid of the future, and disconnected from others.   Thank goodness I have compassionate people in my life like Michael, who compassionately cooked me that delicious meal and Megan, who compassionately brought me the apple cake her compassionate husband, Paul, made for me.

It’s easy to feel compassion when you’re eating delicious apple cake with some compassionate ice cream.

Here‘s some music I found with compassion on YouTube:


Are you compassionate enough to leave behind a comment for this “Compassion” post?

Compassion and thanks to all who helped me create today’s compassionate and passionate post and to you — of course! — for having the compassion to visit me,  here and now.

Categories: personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 47 Comments

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47 thoughts on “Day 1385: Compassion

  1. It’s very difficult to be compassionate when pain is involved, but I suppose you just have to try your hardest.

  2. Super dinner showing Michael’s compassion

  3. I often notice and feel your compassion (for yourself, for people in your life, for people whose situations you have become aware of even if you have never met them, and for your readers like me). You could have named your blog The Year(s) of Living Compassionately. 🙂

    Right now, I feel compassion for you, as you recover from surgery and likely a second surgery that shouldn’t have been necessary. I feel other things, too: love, admiration, interest, worry, sometimes even amusement, when I read your blog each day.

    Michael’s meal looks delicious and I feel compassion for him, too, because he loves you and looks after you so tenderly and I think he is probably very upset about the pacemaker. I wonder whether hospitals shouldn’t have a policy of checking with manufacturers of pacemakers and other devices that a patient has had implanted, ahead of any open heart surgery. Then they could learn of any likely but not yet announced recalls, and replace them as part of the surgery. It seems that recalls of pacemakers are not rare, and this could be part of the pre-surgical information gathering.

    • Thank you for your compassion, Maureen. Michael doesn’t seem particularly worried or upset, but you never know! And I wish compassionate you were in charge of all hospitals! ❤

  4. this is a wonderful post, ann. it clearly shows the power of compassion and how it is all around us. it finds us when we need it most and it shows itself in so many ways. i’m glad that it has found its way to you. )

  5. I think it can be challenging to feel compassion when one is in a state of emotional upheaval, when the focus must be on self preservation rather than an outpouring of understanding for what others may be going through. Keep yourself surrounded with those good people and wonderful meals Ann- you deserve them always but especially right now. ❤ ❤

  6. compassion–the thing that makes us good humans and not just robots….I am with you–hope you can feel my thoughts and prayers….

  7. Compassion makes your heart flourish.

  8. I have compassion for you Ann, My husband lives with a pacemaker since January of this year. I have compassion for the fear and the worry and for your Michael, for I know he must feel the same things I felt at the beginning. Your friends and readers care and are truly compassionate on your behalf.
    By the way, the meal looks delicious, please tell Michael and your friendly compassionate Paul I am sending them some compassion too, from across the pond. :o)

  9. The interesting thing to me about the word “compassion” is that it’s derived from Latin meaning “to suffer with”, but also sounds like the Latin verb posse, “to be able”, the root of the English “possible”.
    This makes me think about how compassion makes things possible by bringing people together.
    Your compassion for others is shared and makes a better life for everyone possible.

  10. I am compassionate for your pain as you heal, Ann. And I am a bit envious that Michael cooks for you! When we were younger, my sweetheart liked to cook for us. No more, so the division of labor is that I cook and he cleans up after. No bad. Enjoy the yummy food and soak up the nurturing!

  11. The most important word in your blog today is the 8th one. Myself. Compassion for myself. It’s funny how we can feel it so easily for others yet be so anal about ourselves. Your self compassion is contagious!

  12. Love and hugs and hope for better days my beautiful Ann. ❤
    Diana xo

  13. My internet server is compassionate today and allowed me to listen to the beautiful music you shared.

  14. Sending love and compassion your way Ann. Thank you for helping us connect more with our own compassion … and compassionate dinner ideas for tonight. 💕

  15. Everything emanates from your center. When you feel unbalanced, sore, cranky, there is no compassion to share. Be compassionate with yourself, restore your balance, health and good humour, then you can spread your compassion around. I would compassionately eat those delicious food items with you any day!

  16. Really a beautiful and compassion filled post today Ann and I enjoy the beautiful music too.
    Send you healing thoughts and wish you all the best.

  17. There needs to be more compassion in the world, if you can feel compassion you will be a nicer person and not a hard ass bitch like some people I know

  18. Pingback: Day 1385: Compassion — The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally | Heywhy's blog

  19. Oh dear — a recall? Hopefully, they will be able to fix it without too much trouble on your part. 😬

    • Just more surgery. Eeeeek! It’s true that I always appreciate seeing you and your beautiful compassion here, Elyse. ❤

  20. I’m so sorry to hear about the recall. It seems so unfair, just when you’re doing so well with recovery from the open heart surgery. Thank you for many years of compassion for the world, Ann, and for me specifically. I’ll try to muster all the compassion i can and send it your way!!

  21. Compassion is a wonderful quality to cultivate, and as I read this going into the next week, I will be thinking about that myself. Thank you! It’s easy to lose compassion in a time of so much insult-hurling! If no one brings me apple cake this week, I think I may need to make it myself. I’ll share it with someone. 🙂 Sending you thoughts of continued healing, Ann, and I love your compassionate perspective!

    • I just had some apple cake with ice cream, Debra, and was mentally sharing it with you. Was that compassionate enough? I love your compassionate perspective, always. ❤

  22. “It is a great consolation for me to remember that the Lord, to whom I had drawn near in humble and child-like faith, has suffered and died for me, and that He will look on me in love and compassion.”-Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  23. I bought some compassion socks at City Sports… They are working…I think…Meaning for me, humor is tied to being understanding..having perspective..not taking myself too seriously but taking others more seriously. And laughing…an understanding and reflective laugh is pure compassion..well maybe 87% compassion and 15% just plain silliness!

  24. Amazing post! Would love some feedback on my first 2 content pieces ‘a change for the better’ and ‘look at me now’ 😊

  25. Pingback: Day 2364: Where would you go in a time machine? | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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