Day 1240: Things we don’t know

No matter how wise and experienced we are, there are always things we don’t know.

Here are just some of the things I don’t know as I’m writing this on Tuesday, May 24, 2016:

  1. What my sister and I are going to talk about on the flight to Minnesota today,
  2. How my son’s new one-act play will go  over this coming weekend at his high school,
  3. What the doctors at the Mayo Clinic are going to say about my very unusual heart,
  4. How the restaurants are in Rochester, Minnesota,
  5. What Oscar the cat is going to do during my four-day absence,
  6. The words to any of the songs in the musical Hamilton,
  7. What was said yesterday at work during some special appreciation events, which included cake,
  8. Why anybody would choose or eat a cake that doesn’t include chocolate,
  9. What we’re going to do during 25 hours of down time between my last test at the Mayo clinic tomorrow and a late afternoon meeting with a surgeon on Thursday,
  10. Why our cat Harley acts scared of me unless he’s situated off the floor,
  11. Where we’re going to stay when we return to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August,
  12. Where my son will be living as a student at University of Edinburgh,
  13. What it’s going to be like for me to board a plane in Scotland at the end of August, leaving my only child behind in a different country,
  14. What music I’m going to include in this post, if any,
  15. How my tryout for “The Voice” in June is going to be different from my first one in February,
  16. What you’re really thinking as you’re reading this,
  17. The title of my post tomorrow,
  18. What I’m going to eat on the plane today,
  19. What my sister and I are going to see from the rental car as we drive from Minneapolis to Rochester,
  20. The names of all the players on the 2016 Boston Red Sox,
  21. What I dreamt about last night,
  22. Most of the diagnostic codes people use in American medical institutions,
  23. Why the letter “K” is the abbreviation for strike in baseball,
  24. The origin of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,  and
  25. What pictures I’m going to take in the future.

You don’t know what pictures I took yesterday, but that can be easily remedied, here and now:














What are some things you don’t know, now that you’ve read this blog post?

Here are two songs about how little we know (here and here on YouTube):

How little we know! And yet, I know that blogging daily helps me more than you’ll ever know.

Knowing thanks to all who helped me create this post and to you — of course! — for you-know-what (reading it).

Categories: blogging, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , | 28 Comments

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28 thoughts on “Day 1240: Things we don’t know

  1. May you have safe travels, smart doctors, good food and a GPS in the rental car.

  2. Ha ha, so many “unknowns… how exciting to reveal the answers! Question no. 8 is easy- chocolate gives me migraine!!
    Hugs, dear Ann. Wish you a trip filled answers.

  3. Wish you a trip filled with smiles and answers.

  4. A little over a hundred years ago many scientists believed they were on the verge of understanding everything in the universe. DNA told us all we needed to know about biology, the periodic table was being filled in, making chemistry obsolete, and Newtonian physics explained all matter and its movement. Then radiation was discovered, and relativity, and DNA proved to be very complicated. Scientists realized that every answer just raised new questions. Or, to put it another way,

    Bill: “The only true wisdom consists in knowing that we know nothing.”
    Ted: That’s us, dude!

  5. The list of what I don’t know will always be longer than the list of what I do know. A great post!

  6. Hi Ann, hope all goes well with your travels. I didn’t know they fed people on planes anymore. I thought they just flung little packets of peanuts out, and the travelers just scrambled to get a pack. What kind of car are you going to rent? I think it will be a blue Mustang (I won’t tell your little yellow car). As far as leaving a child in a different country, that would completely freak me out. My boys are thinking about being camp counselors at Summer Camps this summer and I am nervous about them flying by themselves. I hope they don’t inadvertently end up in Dubai.

    • You know a lot, SD, but our rental car is a bright red Toyota Yaris. You can tell my little yellow car; it knows I love it. ❤

  7. Maureen

    I don’t know what you and your sister will talk about but I do know that you’ll share it with us on your blog one day, if you want us to know. I am so glad that your sister is going with you and I hope that your visit to that famous medical institution is fruitful and positive.

    Will you be out of town for Aaron’s play? Or will you be back in time? Perhaps if you are away, someone will record it for you.

    • I will be back in time for two out of three performances of Aaron’s play, Maureen. Knowing me, I’ll be doing my best to get back for the first one, if at all possible.

  8. What I was thinking while reading: Touchstones. The importance of seeking out the familiar in any new experience in order to dispel the anxiety of the unknown. My most persistent memory of Scotland was when flying in for the first time and seeing pastel colored sheep grazing in the hills. I learned later that they had been dyed so that all could graze together but then be easily separated at the end of the day.

  9. When you’re in Rochester be sure to go see the world’s largest ear of corn. Anyone should be able to give directions.

  10. Lena

    I’m so excited for Aaron wow the time still marches on..

  11. Even though you listed those things you do not know but I think you know a lot.

  12. There are many things I don’t know, what I do know is that I sleep when I fly most of the time anyway

  13. I am thinking of you with great anticipation that your time at Mayo will be fruitful! It is a place that offers hope and healing, and I hope with you!

  14. I know your August trip will be a wrench, but he’ll be there with you in spirit

  15. Pingback: Day 2588: We | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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