Day 1219: Tone

Try to imagine my tone of voice as I say any of the following statements:

Every year, I wait for the arrival of spring.

Spring is my favorite time of year.

I LOVE walking outside in sunny weather, feasting my eyes on the flowering trees and all the other brilliant colors of spring.

For years, I’ve done all I can do to take a week off from work in spring to enjoy the blossoming colors after the long Boston winter.

Last year, the local weather in May was predictably beautiful, but I had heart-related surgery during my week off, so I couldn’t really enjoy it.

Two years ago, I had pneumonia during April and May.

This year, I need to travel to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, at the end of May to consult with a cardiologist.

I was afraid that trip to the Mayo Clinic might prevent my taking off a week earlier in May to enjoy Boston’s spring weather.

However,  I was able to take two weeks off from work in May this year.

It was gloriously sunny on the first day of my May-stay-cation

Since then, it has been rainy and cold.

I just looked at the forecast for the rest of the week AND THERE IS NO SUN OR WARMTH IN THE FORECAST.

What is the tone of this post, so far?

Yesterday, while it was rainy and cold, I met up with my friend Tony, whom I often  affectionally call “Tone.”


Tony and have known each other for forty years!!!!!!! We’ve experienced many tones of life, along the way.

I say this with no tone of irony, sarcasm, or fear of being contradicted by him: Tone and I are BFFs (Best Friends Forever, Tony, in case you don’t know what that means).

I remember writing something to Tony, years ago, that began like so:

Tony! Toni! Tone!

Here‘s the band Tony! Toni! Toné! performing a relevant song:

It never rains in Southern California, but I’m here in rainy Boston, now, which gives me the opportunity to practice all the beautiful tones of forgiveness, patience, acceptance, and appreciation of what is, in every moment.

What tones do you see in the other photos I took yesterday?



Here’s the tone of my current thinking: What will be the tone of the comments I receive for today’s blog?

Many thanks to all the Tones that contributed to this post and to you — of course! — no matter what tones surround you.

Categories: friendship, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 26 Comments

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26 thoughts on “Day 1219: Tone

  1. I like a grumpy tone, so does my family.

  2. It’s interesting to me that the tone here–as in most of your posts–changes. Here it changes from bright musing to reflection on previous missed springs to happiness at seeing Tone and the joyful music of Tony! Toni! Tone! which is anything but atonal and a series of pictures ending with a conch. Some cultures have used conch shells as a musical instrument, and it’s said that if you put one to your ear you can hear the ocean.
    And your trip to Minnesota will take you farther from the ocean than you are now.
    What I think you’ve given us here isn’t a spring tone so much as shown how many tones spring from being aware.

    • Your well-toned awareness is the opposite of atonal, Chris. I hope you can hear my tone of gratitude in this reply.

  3. Isn’t it wonderful to have old friends?

  4. We’re a bit soggy here in PA. as well, but I don’t mind much. The cool nights are most welcome. Some years, we’ve gone right into summer. ☺

  5. I was/am a fan of Tony Toni Tone, but I have never heard this tune. Thank you for tuning me onto it.

  6. So many tones to consider! You can take that tone of voice with me any time Ann!

  7. Carol Ferenc

    Your tone is always gracious, Ann.

  8. Maureen

    Thinking warm, sunny thoughts of you on your staycation.

  9. I hope you get a better weather soon. I am sure that will arrive where you at.

    • According to the weather forecast (which I just checked), better weather will arrive the day I go back to work!

  10. My friendship with Tone has lasted 48 years. There is enough optimism in your tone to exceed that

  11. Debbie Terman

    Tony looks the same (except hair is a slightly different color than it was a “few” years ago!). Please tell him I said hi, when you next talk to him.

    I will also be in Minnesota later in May, in St Paul, for the HS graduation party of my twin nieces. I wonder if the weather will feel more spring-like there?!

  12. Pingback: Day 2493: Temporary | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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