Day 1097: Still Life

While there is still life in you and in me, I’m wondering about people’s associations with “still life.”

While life was still,  this morning, I noticed that every photo I took yesterday  …






… resembled a “still life.”

still life
a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware.

Are you still with me?

I still have still more associations with “still life” and if you can remain still for a moment, here they are:

  • I still wake up, every day, and remain still for a time while blogging ideas still form in my head.
  • I am still able to break that stillness every morning to bring still another blog post to life .
  • I am still grateful that I can still post, breathe, walk, talk, work, play, be still, and be active.
  • Where there is still life, there is still hope.

I still love responses from others in my life, so l still request you add life to this blog with your still and active thoughts and feelings.

Still-life thanks to all who still live, including you!

Categories: blogging, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , | 63 Comments

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63 thoughts on “Day 1097: Still Life

  1. Apparently, I am still live. I like still life pictures very much.

  2. Hubs and the dog are very still life at the moment, both fast asleep!

  3. I’m grateful too, Ann, that you are still alive and post just as you did today!

  4. Your blog, Ann, is one of the best examples of still life…and always entertaining. ☺

  5. i hope my still
    life includes
    fruit & bread 🙂

  6. My post yesterday featured my 8 year old granddaughter painting a still life

  7. I still enjoy your thoughts when I’m still enough to read and still understand.

  8. Still a fan of your blog 🙂

  9. Still life. Photography. It’s like capturing a moment in time and preserving for eternity Ann! ❤
    Diana xo

    • I was thinking a similar, still thought, Diana, although I didn’t express it. I am still grateful for everything you bring every moment! ❤ xxoo

  10. It’s wonderful that you captured many of the traditional still-life elements, but with your own individual take. Even the classical memento mori is special. Thank you for this reminder that everywhere we look there’s life, still.

  11. Still reading.
    Would love to make that faucet photo into a card.

  12. Hi Ann, I am still here and still living. Love the “still life” photos. How do you come up with ideas every single day, day in and day out. It’s quite amazing!!!!!!

    • How do you find time, as you’re still living your life, to still drop by here so frequently and offer such wonderful thoughts and support, SD? I find that quite amazing and wonderful, still.

  13. This past year tried to do me in, but I am still here, still blogging, still reading, and I love all of your still life photos. All of the stillness is wonderful!

  14. Love this Ann! Especially
    “Where there is still life, there is still hope.”
    Still love this!

  15. I enjoyed the still life pictures and your thoughtful comments. Happy New Year!

  16. Nice just so you know

  17. hello ann koplow its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy noo yeer to yoo!!! i think dada is drooling over that bento boks a littel dada that is not verry kooth of yoo!!! ok bye

  18. I love your sense of humor through your puns Ann!

  19. There’s still life in my memento mori, and that of course is me!!

  20. Ah, syntax… I love English; practically every word has multiple uses and meanings; there are many which can mean the exact opposite of its other usage, merely by changing the context in which it is used… “Still” is one of those, most of which syntactical applications you demonstrated above….

    Still, we hate being still, because we exist as part of a universe constantly in change…. Stillness is such a contrast, from the fatiguing effort of adapting to those changes, it assumes an attractiveness which appeals to the very base of our duality of perception, and of our own nature…. It feels good to BE still sometimes, since so little of life seems to hold still when we wish it to….

    “”I have discovered that all human evil comes from this, man’s being unable to sit still in a room.” – Blaise Pascal

    Hmm….. this seems to be growing as I type, so, I’ll leave it here, & just say, thanks…. You must be a good therapist; you always find a question that stimulates thoughts that CAN be used by others to help themselves…..


    gigoid, the dubious

  21. Still and cold, five fourty in the morning, still dark outside. Wish I still had some time to sleep… still, I look forward to the new day.

  22. I posted a comment twice (from the phone) and I still can’t see it….

  23. agenda19892010

    Happy 2016! by Rinaldo🌻

  24. I remain in still-awe as I look in the still-life pictures and see it in your perspective. Have a happy and cheerful 2016 Ann! 😀

  25. I sat still for ten minutes thinking of what to say. I find it difficult to open someones blog and read what they say and then turn away without saying something back. I don’t like it when people do that to me. So I am still here. Today I am feeling a bit angry and down in the dumps because of things that where hurled at me and I wonder why I still persist in shutting my mouth and saying nothing in return. But still I do have a plan for this year ( ) and if it works out I will still be here next year. You did make me think. And I did like this post of yours. Have a great 2016.

    • I am still happy and grateful to read the thoughts of readers as thoughtful as you. Many thanks for taking the time and effort to express what you did. I hope you have a great 2016, also.

  26. Reblogged this on KCJones.

  27. love your takes on still life, and I am still here though a bit behind in catching up on reading blogs!

  28. I am still in awe of your ability to think up such interesting, thought-provoking and inspiring posts each day, Ann. Your ‘still life’ photos are lovely, and tell me that Boston hasn’t had nearly as much snow as last year (or should I add ‘yet’ to that sentence?). I imagine that’s a relief to most people. I’m intrigued by the box/planter in the hallway with the poinsettias. The horse (?) skull is quite an eye-catcher. Happy New Year to you and your family.

    • Happy New Year to your and yours, Millie, and I am so happy that you are still reading my blog! You were right about the snow, I hope it still stays away for a while longer.

      • Yes, I believe it’s the western side of the US that has a lot at the moment. You had such a long winter in Boston last year. And yes, I hope to keep visiting your great blog as often as I can.:)

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