Day 856: Good Color

My sister Ellen sent me this email two days ago, after she saw me in the hospital recovering from surgery:

Hi Ann,

It was really GOOD to see you.

You just underwent 8 hours of surgery!! Done by people using their experience, skill, and intuition to mend your heart using the best technology and tools possible. Your heart was the end product, so to speak…and from my point of view, it was doing its job well.

You looked bright, alert, in touch, had good color… Mom would have put “good color” first. You had better color than you have had in a long time. ..and that’s directly related to cardiac functioning.

What a compliment to you and everyone else involved in that surgical process. And it wasn’t just the 8 hours there, it was all the planning, prepping etc. And before that, the planning of this particular solution.

Every time I read Ellen’s email, it brings me more good color.

Here’s some good color I observed yesterday, as I prepared to leave the hospital:

That’s Ellen on the right, holding a brown paper bag with the supplies for the daily changing of my surgical bandages. On the left is my nurse, Diane, who took a “field trip” away from the cardiology unit to take me to the hospital pharmacy as I was being discharged. Don’t Ellen and Diane both have good color?

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo (a holiday with lots of good color) AND Diane’s birthday, and we talked about how she was working on her birthday and taking today off.

As we were waiting at the pharmacy, Diane said, “There’s Deeb!” because she saw one of my colorful cardiologists, Dr. Deeb Salem (who has appeared in many previous colorful blog posts, including one titled “Pink“).

Doesn’t Dr. Salem have good color, too?

Here’s some more good color I saw yesterday, after Ellen brought me home from the hospital:



That last shot shows our cat Oscar, with good color, in the middle of the night. He is doing his best, there, to keep my color good by lying on the bed — safely away from me — as I heal from surgery. This is colorfully notable, simce Oscar loves to lie on people, as you can see here:

My boyfriend Michael, who has good color but does not like to appear in my blog, often says that Oscar looks “very brown in the morning.”

What do you think of all the good colors in this post?

Here‘s a good-color compilation of Todd Rundgren‘s 30 years of appearances on David Letterman shows:

If you start watching at 11:11, you’ll see the colorful images of Todd Rundgren (and Bobby Womack) included in my good-color collection of photos, above.

Good color thanks to Ellen, Diane, Dr. Deeb Salem, Dr. Mark Estes (who was in charge of my surgery Monday), our cats Harley and Oscar, my ex-sister-in-law Deborah for the Creative Cats book and the coloring pencils, my friend Jeanette for the white chocolate and other goodies, Michael for the good color dinner last night, Paul Nagano for the beautiful colors of spring on our living room wall, my son Aaron (who did some of the good color artwork in this post and who has a really good color hair), Todd Rundgren, Bobby Womack, David Letterman, Anne Tyler, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and you — of course! — for all the good color you bring, today.

Categories: gratitude, personal growth, photojournalism | Tags: , , , , , | 69 Comments

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69 thoughts on “Day 856: Good Color

  1. I love your good colour story and all the good colours. I hope your own good colour turns into amazing colours as you fully recover. 🙂

  2. You have colored my world today Ann with this wonderful news of you having gone home so soon after surgery! I love the colors in this post and the beautiful cat that is being colored in. You’re in the pink from the sounds of it! Here are some beautiful images to enjoy filled with good color

  3. Wishing you a fantastic, and colirful, recivery, Ann.

  4. Very colourful, wishing you a very good and speedy recovery, glad you already have a good colour. And what lovely people you have around you! Bless you!

  5. Michele Seminara

    Great to hear that it went well and you’re feeling better!

  6. Wow! You’re in good enough colour to go home already! Awesome.

    Hope your good colour turns to great as the whole world colours itself grateful for your beautiful and unusual beating heart.

  7. I love your sister’s email and so glad you have good colour Ann! Welcome home! ❤
    Diana xo

    • Thanks for making my blog more like home, every time you visit, Diana. Colourful hearts back at you! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  8. Glad to note you are become, Anne, and hale and hearty post surgery. The smiles lighting up the many colourful faces around you reflect the sense of relief at your prompt recovery. With all good wishes… Raj.

  9. PlEase correct to read first line as ‘glad to note you have become’, instead of ‘you are become…’ Sorry for the typo…

    • No need to apologize or turn red because of a mistake, Raj. I am colourfully grateful to get two comments from you.

  10. yeseventhistoowillpass

    It’s good to know that you are on the road to recovery. Man they let people go from hospital so quickly…

  11. Great colors Ann! 🙂 Happy, bright and colorful recovery!

  12. Aw, you rock!

  13. All those good colors are in you:

    (Found at

  14. Two songs come to mind: “She’s like a rainbow” by Rolling Stones and “You gotta have heart” -I don’t know who sang / wrote this song. I’m so glad you’re feeling great. BTW I read Digging to America – good book. Enjoy the day!

  15. it is very important to us that you retain your good color, AK. Looking forward to seeing more of what you are seeing.

  16. Maria

    Hi. I’m very sorry I’ve been out of touch. It’s a great relief that you are doing so well. Love, Maria

  17. Color me happy that you are doing so well. 🙂

  18. yeoldefoole

    Hurrah! It’s a happy rainbow of good colors, seeing you here!!!

  19. Ann,
    Whatever color is the favorite of each of your followers, I’m certain they are at their brightest today,knowing that you are home and on the mend.

  20. We’re all in better color because of your colorful post and lovely colorful life! I just looked in the mirror. Yep! Better color for sure. So happy things went well–happy is the best color of all.

  21. I’m so glad that your colour is good, Ann. We can see your true colours shining through!

  22. Color me thrilled, Ann. Congratulations to you and all your crew for a job masterfully done. Thank you, Ann’s crew. Yay, Ann.

    • This is very fancy of you, Mark, to congratulate us with a familiar tune I haven’t heard In decades. Color me thrilled now, too.

  23. Welcome back from the hospital. Glad to hear that your colour is good and that all went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  24. Fabulous colors! And amazing that an 8 hour surgery ends up with you leaving so quickly. The colors you returned to are always the best….home colors are the most comfortable.

  25. You have now entered a whole new dimension of life. Over time you will see what I mean.

  26. Our colour says a lot about how we are doing I hope you continue to have good colour

  27. Welcome home and blessings that your surgery went well. Rest and relax, you are so deserving, Ann.

    • The beautiful colors you see in the world reflect so much about what kind of person you are. Thanks for being you.

  28. Love your sister’s letter and all the good news about your colour.

  29. The best color is the one you see when you arrive in front of your home.

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