Day 655: How to freak less

I’ve written four previous posts with the word “freak” in them:

  1. Day 243: Freaked-out-nomics
  2. Day 370: Reasons why snail mail freaks me out
  3. Day 405: Freaking Out 
  4. Day 641: Lots of freakin ____

… so I think it’s about time I focused on something useful, like How to Freak Less.

Yesterday, I freaked less on my drive to work because I took my time getting there. Even when my GPS system, Waze, reported

Watch out. Heavy traffic ahead.

… I remained calm. As a matter of fact, I was glad for the traffic, because it allowed me to take these photos, through my rainy window:

IMG_0943 IMG_0944 IMG_0948 IMG_0954 IMG_0955 IMG_0956 IMG_0961 IMG_0960

After I parked my car, I took my time walking to work.

IMG_0969 IMG_0972

To recap: freak less by taking more time.

Then, when I was at work, I walked by a door that has, already, appeared in this blog four times before (here, here, here, and here):


This time, the door was open, so I introduced myself to the inhabitant of that office, Sandy.  I told Sandy that

  • her sign has appeared in this blog,
  • people had speculated whether the sign said, “hope” or “nope,” and
  • I was very pleased the sign said “hope.”

Sandy invited me into her office, and I saw many more things that pleased me, including:

IMG_0981 IMG_0982



Those three paintings were done by Sandy’s three daughters.

I liked this sign, too.


As I was leaving, Sandy changed the sign on her door.


To recap:  freak less by walking through doors, meeting new people, and seeing new things.

Last night, I facilitated a therapy group where people shared their experience of dealing with transitions.


To recap: freak less by sharing more.

Speaking of sharing, I’d like to share a tune I heard on my way home, after work.

Actually, before that, I’d like to share how I first encountered this song, when I was a kid:

Wow!  After all the living I’ve done since I first saw  “A Lot of Living to Do” (from the movie Bye Bye Birdie), I can see there’s


50’s and 60’s stuff there.

Eeeeek!  Hold on! I can’t find Pat Metheny’s amazing version of “A Lot of Living to Do” on YouTube, which I heard last night and wanted to share with you today! And I have to get to a 7:30 AM “retreat” soon, where there will be


doctors, nurses, therapists, and other healthcare providers, working together to come up with ideas about how to make patient care better, in the future.

Is it time for me to do


… here and now?????????????????

Instead, I shall heed my own advice and

  • take time,
  • walk through doors,
  • meet new people,
  •  see new things,
  • and share more

… by including this YouTube video of Mr. Louis Armstrong singing and playing “A Lot of Living to Do”:

And, speaking of meeting new people, I’ve never heard of Nick Ziobro before today, featured here performing at Birdland:


This post, today, has


  • talents,
  • sights,
  • sounds,
  • thoughts,
  • feelings,
  • moving,
  • nostalgia,
  • signs,
  • weather,
  • photos,
  • transitions, and
  • freakin other things.



there’ll be


comments, too.

Thanks to Sandy, to her daughters, to everybody who appeared in this post,  and to all those who have a lot of living to do, including (of course!) freakin you.

Categories: Nostalgia, personal growth | Tags: , , , , , , , | 41 Comments

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41 thoughts on “Day 655: How to freak less

  1. Nice paintings. I like snail mail!

  2. yeoldefoole


  3. I used to freak. A lot. But when I say used to, that doesn’t mean I no longer do it. However, I do it far less and quit a bit more gently than I used to.

    I have learned to breathe. Long, slow even breaths. It is amazing how that can help!

    It also helps to have retired, though now I do tend to freak about money more than I used to. And if I think about money very long, I may begin to frank a bit, especially since it seems to be freakin’ Friday!

  4. Freak, not frank!

  5. LOL happy freakin’ Friday Ann! 🙂

  6. But you don’t want to become passive and stoic either, do you?

  7. Freakin me enjoyed the freakin post Ann. Thank freakin you.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  8. I think that every company everywhere, Ann, should hire somebody like Sandy, whose freakin job is to put cool things in her office and invite people in to put them in a good mood.

    Also, I am freaking joyous to report that Nick Zobrio is from Manlius, N.Y., a suburb of my Syracuse, and a singer at our Jazz Fest this summer. I wrote about him and posted a picture on my blog, Ann. He is pretty freakin awesome, a winner of the Michael Feinstein Competition who certainly has got a lot of livin’ to do.

    • What a freakin coincidence, Mark! I enjoyed that cool article about Nick, B.B., and others. Thanks for improving my mood during this freakin day.

  9. I was pretty sure it said hope and am very pleased it did.

  10. Very sound advice. I know lots of folk who freak out at the thought of meeting new people. The world needs more Sandys.

  11. Sometimes it’s nice to be the calm one! Enjoy today and still sending you good thoughts and warm energy for your presentation!

  12. I allow myself one cleansing freakout a day and then I get real.

  13. Super post. I’d have been happy with the wonderful first eight photos. Impressionists, Pointillists, eat your hearts out.

  14. I’m freaking out because it has taken me all day to get to your post…. not really but I thought you’d smile 🙂 Love the advice and photos today Ann!
    Val x

  15. It certainly looks like you have a beautiful drive to and from work. I love the paintings

    • Bradley, I’m freakin glad you could see the beauty in the rain (and in those lovely paintings, too). Thanks so much for the visit.

  16. Here’s to Freaking More and livin’! 🙂

  17. I’m freaked out over that amazing sign: “I have flying monkeys and I’m not afraid to use them.” That made me laugh. Thanks for sharing ways to be less freaked out, Ann. 😉

  18. Pingback: Day 656: What matters to you? | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

  19. I think freaking out is good for all of us, sometimes. It’s like dropping five kinds of fruit into the blender jar, then turning the blender on. Everything gets chopped up into smithereens but then you can slurp it all up.

  20. Pingback: Day 731: Small change | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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