Day 482: Who cares?

This morning, the title of today’s post was right there, as I woke up.


Who cares?

That two-word title was staring me in the face, as was this creature:


It was not to be denied.

And I have to admit, dear readers, I groaned a little.  I thought

What kind of post can I write with THAT title?  Another down and depressed one, like yesterday’s?

Because, you know, a title is very important.  It can dictate, guide, and affect a writer and her readers — indeed, any communicator and the receivers of a communication — very much.

For example, when I was running lots of therapy groups at a psychiatric day treatment program, we would talk about the power of the titles for the groups.  That is, even if we were not consciously holding, in our minds, the title of a group, which included:

The Struggle for Change

Self Esteem


Roles and Stories

The Here and Now


Next Steps

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Putting It Into Words

… the name of the group had an effect, every moment, on everybody attending it.

So, a title has a lot of power, doesn’t it? Although, you know, we also have a lot of power to shape and choose what we do, within the structure created by the name.

So, I hereby declare: This will NOT be a depressed post.

Instead, I will answer the titular* question, in a pictorial way.

Who cares?

Well, since I asked ….

Many people, including:


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And those are just the people who commented on yesterday’s post, as of this writing.  I could also answer

Who cares?

with images of those who “like”ed yesterday’s post, too (leaving out repeats):



Here are some who did not show up yesterday, but have recently:

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You all*** make a difference to me (more than I can put into words, right now).

At this point in this post, I’ve been restricting myself to those who have responded and connected with me, fairly recently, here at WordPress.

What about people, outside of WordPress, who have connected with me lately, too?***

Well, since I’ve created a structure for this post where I’m answering my own questions with images, let me end with this photo (from yesterday):


That’s Kathy, who has shown up in a previous post (here, just about a year ago).  I would like to point out a few things about that photo:

  • Kathy is a professional photographer, who demonstrates her kindness not just with cupcakes (not pictured), but also with acceptance of my images.
  • If you look closely at the hanging light fixture in the background, you may notice a screwdriver inserted there, to shorten it. Bf Michael did that, over a year ago, for my 60th birthday party, so people wouldn’t bump their heads, when we moved the dining room table against the wall.
  • I took that photo, yesterday, because I wanted to quote something that Kathy said, right before she left:

I’m sorry you are feeling so depleted. I hope you feel pleted again, very soon.

Thanks to Kathy; to all those who express caring in their own ways (yesterday, today, tomorrow, whenever); to this wonderfully supportive WordPress**** community; and to you — of course! — for visiting today.

* Just a fancy way of saying “in the title.”

** I have to admit, at this point, that I am definitely “cheating” and adding some photos as people are responding to posts, as well as adding WordPress peeps from a while ago, too. Originally, when I wrote this post, I was just including people who had connected with me within the last couple of days. THAT went out the window, pretty quickly.  Now, as of 12:40 PM on the day after I published this, I am going to stop trying to add everybody who is connecting with me. However, please let me know if you want me to add you to this photo gallery, and I will.

*** Not to mention WordPress people and others who have connected with me in helpful ways, too, whose photos I have not included.

****  I apologize for not including links to people’s blogs, today. I wish I had. Here’s my excuse: I am depleted, because I am recovering from pneumonia. And that’s my excuse, too, in case I left anybody out (which I tried my best not to do) (but which I know I did, inevitably, because this was MUCH more difficult than I expected).  (Feel free to ask to be included, of course.)

Categories: inspiration, personal growth | Tags: , , , , | 62 Comments

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62 thoughts on “Day 482: Who cares?

  1. Sending some good wishes to help prepare you for feeling completed in your overcoming the ugly P. So I guess i’m pre-pleting you? And congratulating you for being the first person ever to put my mug shot in a blog post. Still taking risks, you are. Enjoy this spring Sunday!

    • I will do my best at all you suggest, Jeff, and thank you for your good and kind wishes. It was a pleasure to include you today, as always.

  2. You nailed this one, Ann. I care. We care. Your reach is far and wide. This week, the karma train has pulled up at your stop.

  3. I care. Pneumonia can be De-pleting. So, focus on getting better. Also, thank you for including my photo in today’s post.

  4. I hope you feel pleted very soon too! I LIKE Kathy, she can stay!

  5. Of course we care! I’m sending you prayers for a rapid recovery. Please be careful not to rush doing things. We do not fool around with pneumonia. Take your time. On the day when you feel “Oh, I can do that!” don’t. Take one more day. You have to ease into recovery.

  6. who
    is always there
    for you!
    just i can’t say
    where 🙂

  7. Sending good energy your way as you continue on the path of recovery!

  8. Blam?.

  9. We all care! And love the cat photo!

  10. I love that floating screwdriver! Michael is brilliant! I wonder if we can use his approach for some kind of psychological fix. What would be an emotional equivalent for the screwdriver-in-the-chain, that would give you more head room?

    Did you notice that Kathy is smiling at your camera? There’s that special Ann magic again.

    • Hmmm, let’s see. Well, your comments give me a lot of head room, for starters. And Kathy smiles a lot, believe me. There’s a lot of magic around everywhere, I think.

  11. Hope you feel complete soon again after having pneumonia . wishing you well. ♥

    • Ute! I just added you to my photos (as you were commenting, I guess). You HAVE to be there. Thanks for your hopes and wishes.

      • Haha you are sweet, I don’t always get to read all posts, due to not enough time, but I do cherish yours and I care 🙂 ! Thank you!

  12. I would say, by the looks if it, with you picture AND all the comments, there is a bunch of us that cares 😉

    I sure hope you feel better soon, rather have a healthy you around, you know 😉

    Great post!

  13. We care!
    What a kind post 🙂
    Take good care!
    Val x

  14. The Dancing Rider

    Yes, of course your readers care! Be patient about recovery, and it will happen I know. 🙂 Here is to feeling REpleted soon!

  15. Some of us do care but are just so badly organised at the minute our visits end up as very sporadic, hoping to get my routine back starting tomorrow once school starts again and I get a few hours free of my darling boy, Love the cat picture and it just reminded me I took some pork chops out of the freezer for tomorrows dinner but if I don’t go move them into the fridge the cat will have them for breakfast in the morning 😀

  16. I entirely agree about titles, although I make a point of allowing “inspiration” to choose mine – i.e., I don’t ponder over any of ’em. And I also entirely agree about the people who choose to visit one’s blog. More power to them ! 😀
    Being up, being down. Bit of a buggy-ride, ain’t it?! It won’t always be like this, and I speak as one who knows. Chin up ! Just think how clever you are to be maintaining this blog and having us all drop in to say hello !

  17. It’s clear you’re blessed with a lot of caring people in your life. That speaks volumes about the caring kind of person you are.

    • I am not surprised that YOU would see things this way, Russ. I think that speaks to the kind of person you are, too.

  18. Thank you so much, it’s heartwarming to see my photo included here. And the photo of your cat is stunning.

  19. I’m honored to be listed among your supporters! I am always amazed at how much I am uplifted and strengthen by something I read or see in the Great Blogosphere, thanks to people like you who share your insights and inspirations with us. Gail

  20. Michele Seminara

    Good answer!

  21. My first thought was that maybe the answer to “Who cares?” is…”Who cares?”. I am not saying that our well-being isn’t improved by people caring for us, but it’s a bit of a self-serving question in a way. So maybe we shouldn’t be worried so much about who cares about us. The really good answer to “Who cares?” in my opinion is “I do”. There is much in this world to care about whether it involves humans or not. And then there is yourself to care for also. In my experience it is the people who care, who draw people around them who care about them. It is clear as day Ann that you care about others and thus it is not surprising you find yourself with a lot of people who care about you. 🙂

    • Thank you for this caring, carefully and clearly composed, and extremely elucidating comment. Much appreciated, as always.

  22. Hope you are feeling better, Ann. Of all the things to hit you when the weather is finally taking a turn for the better. However, coming up with an idea immediately when you wake up, and being greeted by a feline buddy is a win-win in my book.

    Thank you for the shout-out. It’s an honor! (I’m playing a game of catch-up. I’m still here, but lagging a little bit.)

    • It’s an honor that you commented, Christopher. No worries about the lagging … I know what that feels like, these days! And thanks for your kind wishes and thoughts.

  23. The Reading Girl

    I know I haven’t been here much but whatever is happening I hope you feel much better :).

  24. HI Ann, I’m trying to catch up reading emails. When I get behind I save up longer posts like yours and read them in batches. I’m sorry that I haven’t kept up to date but if I didn’t care I would just delete emails without reading them.

    • I know you care, Carol. And I made sure to include your photo in this post. No worries about keeping up to date. I know we are all doing our best to write and read here. It’s great to see you (and I know you’re dealing with your own recovering today).

  25. Pingback: Day 672: Care | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

  26. Pingback: Day 2577: Cares | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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