Day 148: Dreams I Have Known

I had a dream last night where I didn’t like what was happening and I wanted to wake myself up.

My father used to have these kinds of dreams. I remember hearing him make these odd, high-pitched noises in his sleep, and my mother helping him to wake up.

This dream occurred for me, last night, soon after I fell asleep. (The typical time for these dreams, for my father and for me.)

The dream wasn’t particularly scary. It just involved my son coming upstairs.  But I had a “bad feeling” in the dream.  And I knew it was a dream. And I wanted to stop the dream, and wake up.

As always, I struggled to transition out of sleeping into waking. I tried to assist that process by vocalizing — making noises.  As I did, I could hear the echo of my father’s sounds.

Then, I went downstairs, to check on my son. I just wanted to make sure he was okay.  He was.

When I awoke this morning and was trying to decide what to blog about today, I was thinking about that experience, and remembering that I’ve made a Note to Self about a future blog topic …..

Recurring Dreams.

I think it’s interesting what dreams recur for people. And I’ll tell you about a recurring dream that I used to have, a lot.

The dream varied, each time, but always involved these components: (1) at some point, I would need to reach somebody by calling them on the telephone and  (2) I would have lots of trouble doing that. Something would always get in the way of my using the phone to reach them. Often, I wouldn’t be able to see the parts of the phone I needed to, in order to make the call.

Each time I had this dream (which was often in the midst of some kind of adventure-type plot), the results were always the same. I would never get through, with whatever message I had to deliver.


I don’t have that dream any more. I haven’t for many years.  But I remember what those dreams felt like, vividly.

Frustrating.  Scary.  Draining.  Panicky. Discouraging.

Here’s how I’m “interpreting” that old dream, right now:

Communication is very important to me.  If I don’t connect with people, I feel bad. The consequences of NOT connecting can be dire. Isolation is scary.  Seeing clearly is important, in order to connect.  And having an urgent message, undelivered, is terrible.

I actually like my old, recurring dream. I like what it says about my priorities.

And I especially like that I’m not having that dream, any more.

I’m wondering: What kinds of recurring dreams have you had?  What do you think they might mean?

Thanks to all.

Categories: personal growth | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

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13 thoughts on “Day 148: Dreams I Have Known

  1. Gene Phillips

    As you know from Facebook, my recurring dream theme is inability to get to a destination on time, often an airport, because of confusion over routes, missing connections, trying to walk there, and so on, I might be doing this in the U.S. or in Japan, or the setting may shift without reason. Habitual procrastination is only one of the factors I can see lying behind this.

    • Another good friend just posted her own blog post about recurring dreams, and she has similar type dreams to yours, Gene — usually involving the airport. I find dreams sooooo interesting.

  2. WhiteTrinity

    Very interesting.I have had recurring dreams of walking down the stairs, but then I would free fall because the steps disappear altogether. Strange, right?

    • Thank you for the comment. I just did a little research on-line, and dreams about stairs are very common. So, not strange!

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  11. Pingback: Day 2732: Go back to your dreams. | The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

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